of Human Sciences2025-03-08T06:13:16-07:00Cüneyt BirkökEditor@J-HumanSciences.comOpen Journal Systems<p>International <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Journal of Human Sciences</strong></span> [JHS] ISSN: 2458-9489 / [Uluslararası <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi</strong></span> [İBD] ISSN: 1303-5134]<br /><br />Established: 1999<br />Registered: 2002<br />DOI: 10.14687</p> <ul id="yui_3_17_2_1_1471195996031_534"> <li id="yui_3_17_2_1_1471195996031_533" class="show">It is one online academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of <strong>peer review</strong> and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world, and welcoming to contributions of all kinds of scientific works in <strong>any disciplines</strong>, approaches, and <strong>languages</strong>.</li> <li id="yui_3_17_2_1_1471195996031_549" class="show" style="text-align: left;">Articles are published in the <strong>current issue</strong> as soon as they have completed the review process.</li> </ul> dislocation and diasporic identity in Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines, The Glass Palace and The Hungry Tide2025-02-02T10:02:45-07:00Md. Mahadhi Hasanmahadhi4bd@gmail.comShariful Islam fsharif093@gmail.comAbu<p>This study investigates the works of Amitav Ghosh – one of the foremost Indian diasporic writers in English – to examine the challenges of constructing nationhood in the context of diasporic experiences. This paper, adopting a qualitative research approach, takes up three novels by Ghosh: <em>The Shadow Lines</em> (1988), <em>The Glass Palace</em> (2000), and <em>The Hungry Tide</em> (2004). Drawing attention to the psychological and cultural disharmony incurred by individuals while negotiating the complex nature of diasporic life is the major thrust of this study. In addition to the primary texts, the study adopts a variety of secondary works and critical perspectives in order to deepen the investigation into the themes. It depicts how many characters are unable to reconcile the cultural gap between their homeland and the host countries, and most do not adjust easily to their new environments. In <em>The Shadow Lines,</em> the characters Tha’mma and Ila embody this cultural tension: Tha’mma is very much disturbed by the westernized lifestyle that Ila is carrying on, while Ila, having grown up abroad, rejects the conservative values of her Indian heritage. In <em>The Glass Palace</em>, King Thebaw feels bewildered by the behaviors of colonial administrators as he is unable to acclimatize to this unusual socio-cultural world of India. In <em>The Hungry Tide</em>, Piya has trauma due to cultural displacement as it takes time for her to come to terms with new surroundings. Analyzing the protagonists’ view of these three novels, this paper critically examines how a diasporic life triggers cultural disorientation for the protagonists, offering new viewpoint and analysis from a postcolonial perspective.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences patient educational material development and implementation: A qualitative study of nursing students' experiences and opinions 2024-12-15T07:45:48-07:00Sibel Küçüksibel_9741@hotmail.comDilek Uludaşdemird.uludasdemir@gmail.comPerver Karşı<p><strong>Research problem/aim:</strong> This study aimed to evaluate the opinions of nursing students about the preparation and implementation of educational materials for hospitalized children.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research was conducted by using a phenomenological research design, one of the qualitative research methods during clinical practice was carried out within the scope of the Child Health and Disease Nursing Course in a university in Ankara with 59 students. Data were collected face-to-face interview technique. The collected data were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The analysis identified five themes reflecting the students' experiences with using pediatric training materials: (1) communication, (2) education, (3) nursing perception, (4) motivation, and (5) hospital and treatment adaptation. Developing of child patient-student nurse relationship, becoming easy, effective, permanent education, making them love clinical practice, facilitating compliance of the pediatric patient to the hospital and breaking the known prejudice of nursing are firstly taking place in the positive opinion of the nurse students. On the other hand, difficulties in getting feedback from child patients, having difficulties at identifying the training topic and preparing the material, increasing heavy workload with this study are main negative opinions.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The majority of opinions are positive about providing education with materials to child patients. It's suggested that to increase work on material preparation and training, use student motivation to develop educational roles, provide guidance to students on the subject.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences impression management tactics in nurses2025-03-08T06:13:16-07:00Nilgün Arasnilgunozsoy@yahoo.comAyşe Nefise Bahç<p><strong>Objectives:</strong> This research was conducted to determine the impression management tactics used by nurses.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>The study sample comprised 812 nurses working in 3 Public Hospitals and 5 Private Hospitals on the Anatolian side of Istanbul. Data were collected using a Descriptive Characteristics Form and Impression Management Scale. Data analyses were performed using descriptive statistics, Student’s t test, one-way analysis of variance and Kruskal Wallis-H test.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The sample of 812 nurses comprised 87.8% female, 34.7% aged ≤25 years, 51.4% were married, 36.6% had a bachelor's degree, 34.8% had 4-8 years of professional experience, and 55% reported weekly working hours of 41-50 hours. The total score of the nurses' impression management scale was mean 1.72±.61. The impression tactics subscale scores were determined to be 2.43±0.82 for “self promotion”, 1.84±0.84 for “ingratiation”, 1.38±0.66 for “exemplification”, 1.66±0.68 for “indimidation” and 1.38±0.73 for “supplication”.The most frequently used impression management tactic in both hospital groups was the "self promotion" tactic. Male nurses used the "exemplification" tactic significantly more.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Nurses used fewer impression management tactics. This research is an original study in that it determines the impression management tactics used by nurses in Turkey.</p> <p>(Extended English summary is at the end of this document)</p> <p><strong>Özet</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Amaç:</strong> Bu araştırma hemşirelerin izlenim yönetimi taktiklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı.</p> <p><strong>Method: </strong>Araştırma İstanbul ilinde Anadolu yakasında yer alan 3 Kamu Hastanesi, 5 Özel Hastanede çalışmakta olan 812 hemşire ile gerçekleştirildi. Verilerin toplanmasında Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu ve İzlenim Yönetimi Ölçeği kullanıldı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Student’s t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi, Kruskal Wallis-H testi kullanıldı.</p> <p><strong>Bulgular:</strong> Hemşirelerin %34.7’si 25 yaş ve altında olup, %87.8’i kadın, %51.4’ü evli, %36.6’sı lisans mezunu, %34.8’i 4-8 yıl arasında mesleki deneyime sahip, %55’inin haftalık çalışma süresi 41-50 saattir. Hemşirelerin izlenim yönetimi ölçeği toplam puan ve kendini üstün gösterme, kendini sevdirme, örnek teşkil etme, gözdağı verme, ricacı olma taktikleri puan ortalamaları sırasıyla 1.72 (.61), 2.43 (.82), 1.84 (.84), 1.38 (.66), 1.66(.68), 1.38 (.73) olarak bulundu. En sık kullanılan izlenim yönetimi taktiği her iki hastane grubunda da “kendini üstün gösterme” taktiğidir. Erkek hemşirelerin “örnek teşkil etme” taktiğini anlamlı olarak daha fazla kullandığı bulundu.</p> <p><strong>Sonuç:</strong> Hemşirelerin izlenim yönetimi taktiğini diğer meslek gruplarına göre daha az kullandığı görüldü. Bu araştırma, Türkiye’deki hemşirelerin kullandığı izlenim yönetimi taktiklerini belirlemesi açısından orijinal bir çalışmadır.</p>2025-03-08T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences of Q angle on some performance parameters in adolescent female football players2023-11-29T04:09:46-07:00Şebnem Şarvan Cengizcsebnem@gmail.comHüseyin Karesihuseyinkaresi@hotmail.comBatuhan<p>QA (Q angle) is the line between the combined traction of the quadriceps and the patellar tendon and is associated with the biomechanical function of the lower extremity. The reason we're focusing on the Q angle in women in particular is that we think that in studies women show a higher average QA than men and can give a lot of ideas as a simple precursor parameter. This study aimed to study the effect of the Q angle in Adolescent Women's Footballers on lower extremity vertical jumping performance and the excentric power of the hamstring.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> A digital manual goniometer was used to measure the QA of individuals, and hamstring eccentric muscle strength NORDBORD device was used for measuring vertical jumping strength with a SmartSpeed Contact Mat half-squat vertical jump test (VJ TEST) The resulting data was normally distributed, and a Pearson correlation test and simple regression tests were applied to the analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> When the results of simple linear regression analysis of Vertical Jump Performance according to the prediction of the Left Q angle variable were examined, it was seen that the Left Q angle was a significant predictor of the athlete's Vertical Jump performance. In addition, it is seen that there is a moderate positive relationship between Vertical Jump and Asymmetry.</p> <p><strong>Discussions:</strong> Football is a competitive game with different dynamics (sprint, change of direction, jumping, collision) and has a higher risk of disability than other sports.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences approach to resistance training: A traditional review of unstable load and surface methods 2025-02-03T07:03:22-07:00Barbaros DemirtaşÖzkan Işıkozkanisik86@hotmail.comOnat Ç Beyleroğ<p>In recent years, there has been a shift from traditional resistance training to functional training. Unstable surface (US) methods and equipment have been used in functional training for many years. To eliminate some of the disadvantages of these methods and equipment, unstable load (UL) methods, an alternative method, have begun to be used. In the unstable surface (US) method, instability is between the body and an unstable training surface, while in the unstable load (UL) method, instability is between the body and an unstable load. The deficiencies in force output that occur when training on an unstable surface are one of the main reasons why training on an unstable surface is not recommended in an athletic population. However, it is observed that no increase in the activation level of agonist muscles is observed in trainings performed on unstable surfaces. It is observed that strength loss decreases to a minimum level in unstable load (UL) methods. An increase in the activation of agonist muscles is reported in these methods. The purpose of this review is to define unstable load and ground methods, which are increasingly used by researchers and practitioners and are a current approach in resistance training, from a holistic perspective, to explain the terms and equipment used, and to provide information about their applications.</p> <p>(Extended English summary is at the end of this document)</p> <p><strong>Özet</strong></p> <p>Son yıllarda geleneksel direnç antrenmanlarından fonksiyonel antrenmana doğru bir değişim yaşanmaktadır. Fonksiyonel antrenmanlarda stabil olmayan zemin (SOZ) yöntemleri ve ekipmanları uzun yıllardır kullanılmaktadır. Bu yöntem ve ekipmanların birtakım dezavantajlarını ortadan kaldırmak adına alternatif bir yöntem olan stabil olmayan yük (SOY) yöntemleri kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Stabil olmayan zemin (SOZ) yönteminde instabilite vücut ile instabil bir antrenman yüzeyi arasında iken stabil olmayan yük (SOY) yönteminde ise instabilite, vücut ile instabil bir yük arasındadır. Stabil olmayan bir yüzeyde antrenman yaparken oluşan kuvvet çıkışındaki eksiklikler, atletik bir popülasyonda stabil olmayan bir yüzeyde antrenmanın tavsiye edilmemesinin ana nedenlerinden biridir. Bununla birlikte stabil olmayan zeminlerde yapılan antrenmanlarda agonist kasların aktivasyon seviyesinde bir artış gözlemlenmediği görülmektedir. Stabil olmayan yük (SOY) yöntemlerinde kuvvet kaybının minimuma seviyeye düştüğü görülmektedir. Bu yöntemlerde agonist kasların aktivasyonunda bir artış olduğu rapor edilmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı, araştırmacılar ve uygulayıcılar tarafından kullanımı gün geçtikçe artan ve direnç antrenmanlarında güncel bir yaklaşım olan stabil olmayan yük ve zemin yöntemlerini bütünsel bir bakış açısıyla tanımlamak, kullanımındaki terimleri ve ekipmanları açıklamak ve uygulamaları hakkında bilgi vermektir.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences century skills model: Secondary school physical education and sports lesson curriculum2025-01-07T02:36:16-07:00Sevilcan Yavuzsevilcaaan@hotmail.comUlfet Yavuzulfetyavuz3@gmail.comHacer Özge Baydar Arı<p>Developing technology, globalisation and rapidly increasing population with the globalising world have brought about changes in the social structure. With these changes, the skills that individuals are expected to have are also being renewed and updated. These renewals and updates are also reflected in the educational policies of the states and cause changes in the legislation and regulations related to education. In this study, which was conducted to analyse the achievements of the “Physical Education and Sports Course Curriculum” within the scope of the ‘Research Report on 21st Century Skills and Values’ prepared by the Ministry of National Education, Board of Education and Board of Discipline, document analysis was used and the findings obtained were subjected to content analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the outcomes in the “Physical Education and Sports Curriculum” were associated with 7 basic skills and 46 sub-skills within the framework of the “21st Century Skills Model”, the skills were repeated 132 times in the outcomes and 11 values surrounding all of the skills were included in the outcomes in the programme.</p> <p>(Extended English summary is at the end of this document)</p> <p><strong>Özet</strong></p> <p>Küreselleşen dünya ile birlikte gelişen teknoloji, globalleşme, hızla artan nüfus toplumsal yapıdaki değişimi beraberinde getirmiştir. Yaşanan bu değişimlerle birlikte bireylerin sahip olmaları beklenen beceriler de yenilenmekte ve güncellenmektedir. Bu yenilenme ve güncellemeler, devletlerin eğitim politikalarına da yansıyarak, ülkelerin eğitim ile ilgili mevzuat ve yönetmeliklerinde de değişimlere neden olmaktadır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından hazırlanmış olan “21. Yüzyıl Becerileri ve Değerlere Yönelik Araştırma Raporu” kapsamında “Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi Öğretim Programı”nın kazanımlarının analiz edilmesi amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada doküman incelemesinden yararlanılmış ve elde edilen bulgular içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Yapılan analiz sonucunda, “Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretim Programı”nda yer alan kazanımlar, “21. Yüzyıl Beceri Modeli” çerçevesinde yer alan 7 temel beceri ve 46 alt beceri ile ilişkilendirilerek becerilerin kazanımların içerisinde 132 kez tekrarlandığı ve becerilerin tümünü saran 11 değerin programdaki kazanımlarda yer aldığı tespit edilmiştir.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences evaluation of the effects of Law no. 7181 on urban planning, with a focus on municipal service areas in Konya2025-01-01T05:12:11-07:00Murat<p>In Turkey, the Development Contribution Share (DCS), used to provide public areas, has significant changes with the enactment of Law No. 7181. With this amendment, the DCS rate has been increased, its scope has been expanded, and municipal service areas (MSA) have been included within the scope of DCS. The fact that the capital of MSA’s can be partially privatized has initiated a new era in the financing of public areas but has also opened up a debate about the balance between public interest and private interests. This situation has the potential to both affect the quality of public services and lead to new debates about property rights. This study examines the impact of Law No. 7181 on zoning plans regarding the use decisions of MSAs. Within the context of identifying the stated situation, the effects of Law No. 7181 on zoning plans regarding municipal service areas have been examined in the zoning plan revisions of Akşehir, Altınekin, Yunak, Güneysınır, Ilgın, and Doğanhisar districts of Konya. It has been determined that in the approved zoning plan revisions, there has been a significant increase in the number of municipal service areas (MSA) and the per capita MSA area. However, despite the fact that a significant portion of the MSAs determined in the old zoning plan is not currently used, it has been revealed that excessive areas have been allocated as MSAs in the zoning plans. This situation has the potential to both affect the quality of public services and lead to new disputes over property rights.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Özet</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>Türkiye'de imar planları ile belirlenen kamusal alanların finansmanın sağlanması amacıyla kullanılan Düzenleme Ortaklık Payı (DOP) uygulaması, 7181 sayılı Kanun ile önemli değişikliklere uğramıştır. Yapılan değişiklikle, DOP oranı artırılmış, kapsamı genişletilmiş ve daha önce kamulaştırma yolu ile edinilen belediye hizmet alanları (BHA) gibi kamusal alanlar bedelsiz karşılanmak üzere DOP kapsamına alınmıştır. BHA'ların sermayesinin kısmen özelleştirilebilir olması, kamusal alanların finansmanında yeni bir dönem başlatmış, ancak kamu yararı ile özel çıkarlar arasındaki dengeyi tartışmaya açmıştır. İfade edilen durumun tespiti açısından 7181 sayılı Kanun'un BHA’lar bakımından imar planlarına olan etkileri Konya ilinde bulunan Akşehir, Altınekin, Yunak, Güneysınır, Ilgın ve Doğanhisar ilçeleri imar planı revizyonlarında incelenmiş, onaylanan imar planı revizyonlarında BHA sayısında ve kişi başına düşen BHA yüzölçümünde belirgin bir artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte eski imar planında belirlenen birçok BHA'nın önemli bir miktarının günümüzde kullanılmamasına rağmen, yeni yapılan imar planlarında gereğinden fazla alanın bu kullanıma ayrıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu durum, hem kamu hizmetlerinin kalitesini etkileyebilecek hem de mülkiyet hakları üzerinde yeni tartışmalara yol açabilecek potansiyele sahiptir.</p>2025-03-01T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences’s scientific methods and their reflections on modern history of science 2025-01-02T09:27:11-07:00Burcu<p>Farabi, as one of the most influential figures in the history of Islamic thought, made significant contributions to the history of science through his efforts to systematize science and integrate it with philosophy. He classified the sources of knowledge into reason, senses, and intuition, emphasizing the importance of experimental methods. Farabi’s logical analysis and interdisciplinary approach have not only shaped his own era but also left a lasting impact on modern scientific history. This study explores the fundamental principles of Farabi’s scientific methods and examines how his understanding of science and philosophy has influenced the modern history of science.</p> <p>Farabi’s scientific methods, focusing on the sources and verification of knowledge, played a critical role in integrating rational thinking and ethical values into science. His pioneering emphasis on observation and reasoning in modern scientific methods also inspired the Renaissance movement in Europe. In this context, Farabi’s legacy remains vibrant today in interdisciplinary research, educational approaches, and discussions of scientific ethics. The study evaluates the influence of Farabi’s methodology on the production and application of scientific knowledge, demonstrating that he continues to serve as a source of inspiration for contemporary scientific approaches.</p>2025-01-06T00:00:00-07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Sciences