Biomedical ethical evaluation of Turkish newspaper articles on face transplants
Face Transplantation, Biomedical ethics, Principles of ethicsAbstract
The use of face transplants has become possible in Turkey and the world in recent years. Face transplants are not just an exchange of tissue between the donor and the recipient and are social and ethical issues concerning the health care institutions, health care team and the public. The interest and criticism of the health care professionals, institutions, public and media regarding the transplants have led to various ethical problems.
This study aimed to perform an biomedical ethical evaluation of the newspaper articles on face transplant cases. The study used retrospective, descriptive, qualitative and quantitative data. The study scope included news from the three highest-selling newspapers published in Turkey with Internet archives that were accessible online. An evaluation form developed by the investigators after a literature review was used for evaluation of the articles.
According to the study data, we found that the articles focused mostly on benefits such as the positive changes in the individual patient and the relatives, the decreased or eliminated psychological pain of the patient, the importance of organ transplants, and increased trust in the health care team. The most common violations in the articles were regarding protection of privacy and confidentiality by announcing the names of the donor and recipient, and sharing the treatment process.
In conclusion, the necessary training must be provided to ensure health care staff, health care institutions and journalists possess the necessary ethical sensitivity and act according to professional ethical principles.
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