About the Journal
The International Journal of Human Sciences has been at the forefront of online publishing since 1999, establishing itself as one of the earliest adopters of this platform. Its distinguished history of sharing scientific research has boosted its reputation and influence within the academic community, reflected in the growing number of references to the Journal of Human Sciences in scholarly works.
After the 1999 Marmara earthquake (Turkey), Sakarya University used internet tools to ensure its continuity. We created a Journal of Human Sciences website using cutting-edge online tools, stayed connected with students, distributed lecture materials, and paved the way for academic progress. At the same time, we started republishing older articles and texts by professors while acknowledging the potential for showcasing new scholarly works.
The International Journal of Human Sciences has maintained a dynamic and pioneering approach from the beginning, earning robust support from national and international readers, authors, referees, and editors. The Journal extends an open invitation to all who wish to contribute to its ongoing success.
Respectfully yours, representing the collective voice of all readers, authors, reviewers, and editors.
Focus and Scope:
Peer Review Process:
Two referees and a double-blind review will generally review submitted articles. All correspondence between editors, reviewers, and authors is made via the user page on this site. The article will be sent to a third reviewer in the case of a decline by a reviewer. All detailed explanation about the review process is published in the REFEREE ASSESSMENT and DEVELOPMENT FORM and help desk knowledge base section.
JHS is a member of ReviewerCredits, an international academic reviewer collaboration platform. Reviewers may register and transfer their review works to ReviewerCredits through their account in JHS.
Submission Requirements:
Submission must obtain all the following conditions:
- The Manuscript Text Format Requirements: The article must be copied into AND meet all formats (fonts, titles, method, citation, etc.)
- Extended English Abstract: All non-English (Turkish, German, etc.) manuscripts must have at least 750 words long "Extended English Abstract" at the end of the manuscript file.
- Plagiarism Detection Report: Report file must be uploaded during the submission process as a similarity check file. The similarity percentage must be less than 10%.
- Ethics Council Report: Any research requires data collection from participants.
- No Cancellation: The author cannot cancel The submission during the author's review process.
- Academic Degree: Each Author must hold at least a master's degree. At least one author must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, except Teaching Staff.
- Originality: The submission has not been previously published, nor is it sent before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- Copyrights: Authors transfer all copyrights to the IJHS by sending the manuscript.
- Article Processing Charge (APC): A contribution fee per submission (see below).
- The authors must upload a similarity (plagiarism) report file derived from any officially licensed plagiarism software (iThenticate, Turnitin).
- The review process cannot begin with failure or missing any of the requirements mentioned in this journal, such as a brief bio statement of authors or any typing mistake in the submission form.
- The journal's staff do not check the submitted data and provide feedback to the author on what is missing.
- The submitter must provide and maintain all requirements during the evaluation process.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
- The author commits to all conditions by sending the manuscript.
Article Processing Charge (APC):
- The submitter is required to pay a non-refundable $65 (US Dollar) Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover web hosting, open access, DOI number, and other service costs. No other fees are charged.
- Should transfer just after submission is sent.
- The evaluation process cannot begin unless APC is received.
- The submission ID number (four digits number located on the submission page) and author name must be recorded in the fee transaction document.
- The APC can be sent to the following BANK account (EFT).
When the transaction is done, email the following information to "Support@J-HumanSciences.com" with the following;
submission ID number,
- corresponding author name,
transaction document.
Available payment method:
1) From Turkey:
TRL/Turkish Lira Account (through bank EFT) (Bu hesaba yukarıda belirtilen APC tutarı, ABD Doları karşılığı günlük kur üzerinden Türk Lirası olarak yatırılır. Makale ID numarası ve yazar adı makbuzda belirtilmelidir):
Bank Name: <Turkiye Is Bankasi>
Branch: <Camlica>, Branch No: <1181>, Account No: <0420052>
Recipient name and last name: <Semanur Tatoğlu>
IBAN: <TR800006400000111810420052>
2) Outside Turkey:
Please transfer the above specified APC amount to the account below using your preferred local money transfer institution:
Bank Name: <Turkiye Is Bankasi>
Branch: <Camlica>, Branch No: <1181>, Account No: <0499056>
Recipient name and last name: <Semanur Tatoğlu>
IBAN: <TR610006400000211810499056>
*If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work. The review process begins after receiving the fee and transaction document. The manager will manually record the receipt of a user's payment (outside of this software).
Manuscript Templates:
1. Download one of the manuscript templates according to your article language.
2. Copy your article text and paste it into the template file.
3. Check and correct if any original template format is missing. Refer to any currently published article.
4. Upload your manuscript MS word file in the submission process.
Publication Frequency:
- The journal is categorized as one volume per year and at least two or more issues per volume (currently publishing four issues per year).
Open Access Policy:
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Retraction Policy:
- During review:
Submission cannot be retracted by its author(s) during the review process. Because journal staff, reviewers, and editors spend lots of intellectual labor, they will lose their reward. Legal reasons are excluded.
- Published articles:
If an unethical issue is detected, we will remove the article text from the table of the content page. Instead, publish an explanation of the case on the summary page of the article. When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement:
Journal of Human Sciences (JHS) / İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi (İBD) follows the Code of Conduct as defined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). Those codes are expected ethical behaviors, standards, and duties of all parties involved, Authors, Editors, Reviewers, and the Publisher.
- Editors:
Editors evaluate submissions exclusively based on their academic merit and protect individual data and the confidentiality of submissions. They are responsible for publication requirements, the review process, and publication decisions. An editor cannot be one of two required reviewers for submission under her/his editorship.
Section Editor will be replaced if there is any reason between Author and Section Editor: hostile, administrative case, benefit or investigation, etc., that prevents doing the review job objectively.
- Reviewers:
Reviewers assist the editor in making editorial decisions by filling out article assessment forms for assigned submissions. Promptness, confidentiality, standards of objectivity, acknowledgment of sources, disclosure, and conflict of interest are expected in their peer review works.
- Authors:
Authors are expected to follow scientific and ethical standards, data access and retention, originality and plagiarism, multiple, redundant or concurrent publication, acknowledgment of sources, authorship of the paper, hazards and human or animal subjects, disclosure and conflicts of interest, and fundamental errors in published works.
Sources of Financial Support:
Sources of support of the Journal are Editor and Authors. Authors pay an Article Processing Charge to cover web hosting, DOI number, and other service costs. If submitters do not have funds to pay such fees, they will have an opportunity to waive each fee.
Journal History:
- Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi [İBD] ISSN: 1303-5134
- Established: 1999, Registered: 2002
- International Journal of Human Sciences [JHS] ISSN: 2458-9489 (English name added)
- DOI: 10.14687