The objectives of disaster education from teachers’ perspectives


  • Özgür Erdur-Baker Middle East Technical University
  • Koray Kasapoğlu Afyon Kocatepe University
  • Elanur Yılmaz Middle East Technical University


Disaster Education, Curriculum Analysis, Curriculum Literacy, Learning Objectives, Teachers


This study aims to examine teachers’ judgments on the objectives of disaster education regarding basic three aspects; clarity, measurability and attainability. A 3-point Likert-type scale was developed, and completed by 142 teachers who participated in several in-service trainings about disaster education. Descriptive statistics were carried out to analyze the data. Results of this study revealed that there was no single objective that teachers perceived as clear, measurable and attainable at one hundred percent. So, there is an urgent need to do a comprehensive list of learning objectives in a way that they are perceived clearer, more measureable and attainable for the purpose of achieving a well-qualified disaster education including all domains of disaster education, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor.


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Author Biographies

Özgür Erdur-Baker, Middle East Technical University

Ozgur Erdur-Baker, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Educational Sciences Department at Faculty of Education at Middle East Technical University. Her research and teaching interests include outcome and process research in counseling, gender and culture sensitive counseling, peer bullying (traditional and cyber bullying), trauma, grief and disaster psychology. She has published both national and international articles in these areas.

Koray Kasapoğlu, Afyon Kocatepe University

Koray Kasapoglu, Ph.D, is a research assistant of the Department of Primary Education at Faculty of Education at Afyon Kocatepe University. His research interests include effective learning, curriculum change, curriculum analysis, teacher education, and international assessment studies. He has published both national and international research in these areas.

Elanur Yılmaz, Middle East Technical University

Elanur Yilmaz, M.Sc., is a research assistant of Educational Sciences Department at Faculty of Education at Middle East Technical University. She is a doctorate student in the field of Curriculum and Instruction at the same university. Her research interests cover disaster education, teacher education, curriculum development, and curriculum evaluation.


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How to Cite

Erdur-Baker, Özgür, Kasapoğlu, K., & Yılmaz, E. (2015). The objectives of disaster education from teachers’ perspectives. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(1), 975–990. Retrieved from



Curriculum Development and Teaching-Learning in Education