Appropriateness of textbooks used in elementary schools in terms of students' levels
Ders Kitabı, Konu Alanı, Öğretmen, İçerik Analizi ve Hermeneutik, Textbook. Subject Arca, Teacher, content analysis vc hermeneutic.Abstract
In this study, students in the Subject Area Textbook Examination Course I was teaching in the Department of Elementary Education. Usak Collage of Education, reviewed textbooks, using hcrmcncutic and content analysis technique. Prc-scrvice teachers' views on textbooks were"researched by examining their review reports.In the research study, answers of the following questions were determined: Whether first level elementary textbooks arc appropriate for students' cognitive and affective level, and whether those textbooks have appropriate format.
Pie-service teachers did not think that textbooks had appropriate format, and they found that there were problems in die cognitive and affective levels of textbooks.
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