Kırsal alandaki yaşlıların yaygın sağlık problemlerinde baş vurdukları geleneksel uygulamalar <p> The old living ın rural areas apply for treating common health problems the definition of traditional health practices


  • Gülbu Tortumluoğlu


Kırsal alan, yaygın sağlık problemleri, geleneksel uygulamalar


This study was carried out as a descriptive in Azat, Gelirli, and Karacaören, neighbouring villages of Kars province in February-July 2002. All of the old of the villages mentioned above included in the study as the subjects and no sampling method was used. The data were collected through the questionnaire formed by the researchers. The statistical in the analysis of the data chi-square and was used. According to the result of the study, in the stomach problems 63 % of the old applied traditional practices, in coughing 39. 3 %, in wart 56.2 %, in toothache 41.1 %, in insec bite 76.7 %, in sty 63.0 %, in burn 82.2 % and in headache 26.0 %, and the practices applied were found to be quite dangerous. In view of the result of this study, People can be taught how to benefit from the health services. In this respect the health staff can take over the responsibility as an advisor and request aid from the leaders of the village such as, teacher, Hodja, and mukhtar.


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How to Cite

Tortumluoğlu, G. (2006). Kırsal alandaki yaşlıların yaygın sağlık problemlerinde baş vurdukları geleneksel uygulamalar &lt;p&gt; The old living ın rural areas apply for treating common health problems the definition of traditional health practices. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1). Retrieved from



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