Determination of the knowledge level on obesity of patents
Obesite, Hasta, Bilgi düzeyi, Hem���şirelikAbstract
This study was planned as a sectıonal descriptive study to determine the level of knowledge of the patients who applied
to the obesity clinic of Mu????la state’s hospital. A total of 120 patients were recruited in the study who had applied to
obesity clinic between the dates 3rd March 2003 and 30th April 2003. [6]
A questıonnaire consisting of two sections was used in the study. The first section contained 10 items on
demograficalinformation and the second section contained 40 questions fort he determination of the level of knowledge
about obesity. [7]
As a result, a knowledge score of 33.10±2.39 was determined for the patients involved in the study. It was found
that the knowledge scores of the groups of 20-29 years of age,graduates of university,and those who visited obesity clinic
for longer periods were higher,and the difference between them were statistically significant. [8]
It was concluded that preparing and implementing training programs directed to obesity, which has relations with
many diseases in society,and which is one of the avoidable health problems,suitableto socio-economical characteristics of
the patients, recruiting the patients and their families to training programs,giving weight to the presentation of obesity
clinics and activities directed to risk groups would be beneficial as well as studies of removing risk of development of obesity and training particularly the young population about a balanced diet, and also ensuring the attendance of obese
persons to the clinic would be beneficial. [9]
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