The efforts of the country recognition and presentation with national spirit and national representation, political and national propaganda in the period of TICI


  • Murat Özmaden
  • Harun Özmaden


TICI, national spirit and national representation, propaganda, political


This study includes one part of establishment goals in the regulation of the Union of Turkish Training Associations (TICI) which managed Turkish sports depending on the country’s social representative, national spirit, social, political and sportive atmosphere. Except for personally practicing of sport, it has been aimed to determine that the sport as a tool implemented which functions in the society and the sport activities, which were done, came true in what level.

            In the study, a descriptive method which was done with a survey has been used. The data belonging to the period before TICI and the one during TICI of modern sports in Turkey has been obtained by the way of examining the congress records and searching of periodical and not periodical first resources during that period.

            According to TICI, the titles classified with national spirit, natural representation, political and national propaganda which was one part of functions, the sports were supposed to implement in the society, have been examined and the studies which were done with the aim of country recognition and presentation have been searched in this study.




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Author Biographies

Murat Özmaden

Balıkesir University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Balıkesir, Turkey

Harun Özmaden

Serbest Araştırmacı




How to Cite

Özmaden, M., & Özmaden, H. (2010). The efforts of the country recognition and presentation with national spirit and national representation, political and national propaganda in the period of TICI. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 1439–1457. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences