Pre-service teachers’ computer competencies, perception of technology use and attitudes toward teaching career


  • Ertugrul Usta
  • Özgen Korkmaz


Computer competencies, technological perception, teacher education, attitudes


The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between pre-service teachers’ computer competencies, the perception of technology use and the attitudes toward teaching career. This study based on a survey method and the participants consist of 106 pre-service teachers from the department of elementary education and social sciences education at Ahi Evran University Faculty of Education. One of results is that the participants think that they have a higher level of computer competencies. Another result is that although the participants from elementary education have a higher perception of computer competency than do the participants from social science education, but this result is found statistically insignificant. The pre-service teachers’ belief on the positive effects of technology in teacher education is found high for both departments.  The perception of pre-service teachers on technology use is generally positive. This positive perception level affects the attitude toward teaching career positively. As the pre-service teachers level of computer literacy the positive attitude toward technology use gets higher.



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Author Biographies

Ertugrul Usta

Dr. Ertuğrul Usta was born in 1974 Çankırı/Ilgaz. He graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Gazi Education department of Curriculum and Instruction in 1997. He received a Master's degree from Syracuse University, Department of Instructional Design and Technology in 2001. He gained PhD degree from Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences Department of Educational Technology in 2007. Currently, he is working at Ahi Evran University Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology as an assistant professor.

Özgen Korkmaz

Dr. Özgen Korkmaz was born in 1972 Konya/Yunak. In 1993, he graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Industrial Arts Education department of Computer Education. In 1996, he received a Master's degree from Afyon Kocatepe University, science Institute, department of Computer education in 1996. He gained PhD degree from Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences Department of Educational Technology In 2007. Currently he is working at Ahi Evran University Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology as an assistant professor.



How to Cite

Usta, E., & Korkmaz, Özgen. (2010). Pre-service teachers’ computer competencies, perception of technology use and attitudes toward teaching career. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 1335–1349. Retrieved from



Computer Education and Instructional Technologies