The strategic importance of the English military bases in Cyprus


  • Soyalp Tamçelik


Cyprus, England, Mediterranean, Bases, Geopolitics


In this research, the strategic importance of the English military bases in Cyprus has been examined. Therefore, the primary goal of this research is to display Cyprus's political significance and the strategic merit of its military bases for the United Kingdom. While Englishmen have explained the strategic importance of the island, they have indicated that Cyprus has taken on a highly significant role within the rather complex region of the Middle East, the Caucasus, Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean. In this situation, in order to become more dominant either in the Eastern Mediterranean or in the Middle East, the English have been against the existence of an issue known as the Cyprus question. After all, it is for sure that stable peace in Cyprus which is directly related to issues such as the route of the oil pipelines, the Arab-Israeli peace process and the determination of Iraq's future, will suit the United Kingdom's interests the most. Therefore, it is necessary for stable peace to be maintained urgently in Cyprus. Actually, the United Kingdom's strategic interest in Cyprus could be evaluated from two angles. The first angle is to minimize or if possible, to eliminate the effectiveness and opportunities of powers which could prevent their national interests in this region. The second is to clearly take advantage of the island through the means of the dominant military bases. However, the existence of these military bases, established after the Second World War, has failed to be thoroughly discussed until now. Yet, as much as the existence of the Turkish troops on the island, the existence of the military bases is also a matter which should be brought to the agenda. But, by directing all the reactions received from world public opinion to the existence of the Turkish troops in the North, the English have prevented the discussion of the absolute domination of the English military bases on the island. Based on this reality, the research is composed of two main sections. The first section has dealt with and examined the geopolitical significance of Cyprus for the United Kingdom. In the second and final section, how the issue related to the English military bases in Cyprus have emerged and developed and its effects today have been evaluated.



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Author Biography

Soyalp Tamçelik

international relations



How to Cite

Tamçelik, S. (2011). The strategic importance of the English military bases in Cyprus. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1), 1510–1539. Retrieved from


