The development of basketball attitude scale


  • Erman Öncü Karadeniz Technical University School of Physical Education and Sport, Trabzon
  • Bülent Gürbüz Ahi Evran University School of Physical Education and Sport
  • H.Mehmet Tunçkol Karadeniz TecUniversityhnical School of Physical Education and Sport


Basketball, attitude, scale, validity, reliability


The objective of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scaling tool to scale attitudes of university students’ towards basketball. Initiating this study, the basic starting point is necessity of examining of the scientific processes which are effective in the formation of attitudes towards basketball is one of today's the most popular sports. Therefore, in consideration with the fact that it is particularly necessary to determine the factors affecting attitudes, a study was carried out to develop and make available ‘Basketball Attitude Scale’. In 2005-2006 spring term, 76 female and 45 male, totally 121 university students from different universities in Ankara participated into the study. In the exploratory factor analysis conducted concerning 35 items in the scale in order to check validity of scale; it was determined that the scale is a 2-factor scale and the number of items was reduced to 21. Item load values are between 0,631 and 0,864. In order to test reliability of the scale, Cronbach Alfa reliability and two-halves test correlation (Spearman Brown) coefficients were checked and the said values were found as 0,95 and 0,93 respectively. As a conclusion; it was determined in the outcome of the study of validity and reliability that the scale prepared for scaling attitudes of university students’ towards basketball is a practicable scaling tool.



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Author Biographies

Erman Öncü, Karadeniz Technical University School of Physical Education and Sport, Trabzon

Assist.Prof.Dr.Erman ÖNCÜ
Karadeniz Technical University

School of Physical Education and Sport, Trabzon

Bülent Gürbüz, Ahi Evran University School of Physical Education and Sport

Assist.Prof.Dr.Bülent GÜRBÜZ
Ahi Evran University

School of Physical Education and Sport

H.Mehmet Tunçkol, Karadeniz TecUniversityhnical School of Physical Education and Sport

Assist.Prof.Dr.H.Mehmet TUNÇKOL
Karadeniz TecUniversityhnical

School of Physical Education and Sport




How to Cite

Öncü, E., Gürbüz, B., & Tunçkol, H. (2012). The development of basketball attitude scale. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 126–140. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences