The elements of Turkish folk culture of Âşık Deryâmî's poems


  • Erol Eroğlu Sakarya University
  • Ercan Demirci Department of Turkish Language and Literature


Âşık Deryâmî, Turkish folk culture, minstrelsy, folk poetry, “rose” and “nightingale”


Âşık Deryâmî is one of the representatives of minstrel literature of the 20th century. Like his predescessor and contemporary minstrels, he lived as a member of ordinary people, and naturally, grew up with folk culture. This is why the elements of folk culture are intensely seen in his works. However, like most of our values, Deryami was neglected and did not draw enough interest in his life.

This study aims to study the elements of folk culture in Minstrel Deryami’s poems as well as to carry the minstrel tradition which is an important part of folk literature and folk culture to next generations. Within the framework of this goal; Minstrel Deryami’s life, works and the analysis of the elements of folklore in his works are included in our study.

The main purpose of this study is to examine the folk culture elements that take place in Minstrel Deryâmi’s poems. To achieve this goal the only book about Deryâmî has been scanned with great care; proverbs, idioms, place names, plant names, local sayings, beliefs, occupations, folk poets and minstrels, prayers, curses, religious motives, relatiosships, musical instruments, fairy-tale motives etc. in the book have been struggled to examine. The datas have been shown in tables. It has been brought out that two indispensible words “rose” and “nightingale” of both divan literature and folk literature are mostly used in Deryâmî’s poems.



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Author Biographies

Erol Eroğlu, Sakarya University

Assistant Proffessor Turkish Folk Dances Department

Ercan Demirci, Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Master Student at Department of Turkish Language and Literature




How to Cite

Eroğlu, E., & Demirci, E. (2012). The elements of Turkish folk culture of Âşık Deryâmî’s poems. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 224–235. Retrieved from


