A comparison of primary school teachers and principals’ computer technology usage level


  • Ilhan Gunbayi Akdeniz University Faculty of Education
  • Gokhan Canturk Akdeniz University Social Sciences Institute


computer technology, internet, word-processing, e-mail, teachers, principals


The aim of the study is to determine principals’ and teachers’ computer literacy level in the usage of computer technology in reaching school goals effectively. The study was modeled as a survey search. The population of the study consisted primary school principals, assistant principals and teachers working in public primary schools in the center of Antalya. The data were collected from 161 (%51) principal questionnaires and 644 (%16) teacher questionnaires in 68 of 129 public primary schools. In order to determine school principals’ and teachers’ usage level of computer technology, “Technology Survey for Principals” developed by Heaton Washington (1999) was used. In the scale, it was questioned how often word-processing, spreadsheet, data-base, presentation-graphic, e-mail and internet applications were used. The data and analysis were processed by SPSS. Frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, LSD and one-way ANOVA tests were used in analyzing to define computer literacy level. The statistical significant level was 0,05. As a result of the study, it was found that there was a significant difference in their computer literacy level between school principals and teachers in using internet, word-processing, data-base, presentation, e-mail, internet applications. In all levels, principals use computer applications more than teachers. It was found that primary school teachers’ use of internet, word-processing and e-mail applications were in average, excel and presentation software in ‘low’ level, data-base applications in ‘very low’ level. It was also found that school principals’ use internet applications were in ‘very high’ level, word-processing and e-mail applications in ‘high’ level, excel software in average, data-base and presentation software in ‘low’ level.



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Author Biographies

Ilhan Gunbayi, Akdeniz University Faculty of Education

Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economy Program in  Faculty of Education in Akdeniz University

Gokhan Canturk, Akdeniz University Social Sciences Institute

PhD student at Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economy Program in  Social Sciences Institute in Akdeniz University


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How to Cite

Gunbayi, I., & Canturk, G. (2012). A comparison of primary school teachers and principals’ computer technology usage level. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1443–1475. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/1787



Educational Administration and Management