The social and language reasons of the changes in language


  • Recep Akay


Change, Sing, Synchrony, Lingua, Phonetic, Index


As a living structure, language is bound to change. languaga is also likely to change as with the changes of, cultural, economical and technological development.The main reasons for changes in a language are; cultural and together with technologial developmen, the languages inner and auter dynamisms.As long as language feels the need to change, it is bound to change.
Only dead languaga cannot change.Especialy when it is needed to make technologial transfer one will also need to import words from other languages that is, if you find it difficult to find the same expression of the words in your own language.
Both the dichtionary meaning and the grammer part of the language will change. The communication age that we are living in reguires this. There isn't a mechanism yet that can prevent this from happening.Only if you make cultural and technological transfer can you keep your own language valuable agains other languages.
Communication change starts with the word and continues on with the change of the phonetiec and in time will effect the whole language.



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Author Biography

Recep Akay

Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı.




How to Cite

Akay, R. (2007). The social and language reasons of the changes in language. Journal of Human Sciences, 4(1). Retrieved from


