The responsibility of the translator by the intercultural transference of information


  • Muharrem Tosun


Çeviri, bilgi aktarımı, kültür aktarımı, görev, amaç, işlev, sorumluluk, metin türü, manipulasyon, okur, beklenti, Translation, transference of information, order, purpose, function, responsibility, text type, manipulation, reader, expectation


If we look at the translator as a expert who transfers only to the source-linguistic text information in the target text, our definition is not enough to understand this complicated process. The translator transfers the texts of a culture of a language in another culture of another language. The translator should exactly know the culture of the target language, and produce his translation purpose-oriented after the expectations of this culture. The text types offer the translator the possibility in which way he can understand the sourcetext and translate into the targettext. Without knowing with which purposes and which receiver's circle he translates, every discussion is vain and not translation-scientific. A translation hangs together always with the connection of a text. Without text there is no translation.The subject of our article is a discussion in Turkey about a translation. It is about a translation in the Turkish. It is about a source-linguistic text which tells about the remedial customer of Sebastian Kneipp. This book was violently criticized in Turkey as a translation. It is maintained that this translation manipulates the original text, and wrong transfers. But there is no translator and no translation.


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Author Biography

Muharrem Tosun

1989 Atatürk Üniversitesinden mezunum. 1996 marmara üniversitesi Yükseklisans.2002 İstanbul Üniversitesi Doktora. 1993-1998 araştırma görevlisi,1998-2002 öğretim görevlisi, 2002 den beri Yardımcı Doçent Doktor, sakarya üniversitesinde




How to Cite

Tosun, M. (2006). The responsibility of the translator by the intercultural transference of information. Journal of Human Sciences, 3(2). Retrieved from


