The validity and reliability study of Turkish version of the multiple intelligences developmental assessment scales


  • Ayten İflazoğlu Saban Cukurova University
  • Bilge Kuşdemir Kayıran Cukurova University
  • Dilek Işık Cukurova University
  • Branton Shearer Kent State University


Confirmatory Factor Analaysis, Multiple Intelligences, MIDAS


The purpose of this study is to adapt Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales (MIDAS) to Turkish. After examining and confirming equivalency between English and Turkish versions the scale was administered to a sample (1466 participant) including undergraduate, graduate students at the Cukurova University and adult in Adana, Turkey. In addition, test-retest reliability was assessed using a sample of undergraduate, graduate and adults in Adana,Turkey (N=100). In order to examine the validity and reliability properties of the scale, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach Alpha correlation coefficients, corrected item-total correlations and t-tests between items’ means of upper 27%-lower 27% points were used. The final analysis accounted for 41.93 % of the variance under 93 items and 7 factors. The internal consistency coefficient (α = .87) was within ideal ranges. Also results of confirmatory factor analysis show that the model fitness indicator indexes meet the statistical standards [χ2=16558.65 (sd=4164, p<.001), (χ2/sd=3.98, NNFI= 0.95, NFI=0.93, CFI=0.95, IFI= 0.95, RMSEA=0.052, and SRMR= 0.062].



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Author Biographies

Ayten İflazoğlu Saban, Cukurova University

Ayten IFLAZOGLU SABAN holds an MA and PhD from Cukurova University, Education Faculty, Curriculum and Instruction Department. She has taught graduate and undergraduate Curriculum Development and Instruction courses at Cukurova University Education Faculty Elementary Education Department since 1998. Her particular interest lie in the areas of the teaching and learning strategies in teacher education and cooperative learning, multiple intelligence, elementary education, curriculum development and classroom management.

Bilge Kuşdemir Kayıran, Cukurova University

Bilge Kuşdemir Kayıran is Research Assistant at Cukurova University Faculty of Education and doing his Ph.D in Curriculum and Instruction Department

Dilek Işık, Cukurova University

Dilek Işık is Research Assistant at Cukurova University Faculty of Education  and doing his Ph.D in Curriculum and Instruction Department

Branton Shearer, Kent State University

Dr. Branton Shearer is a developmental psychologist who earned his master's degree at Harvard University and his Ph. D. in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation at the Union Institute. He received a U.S. Department of Education Innovation Grant to study the use of the multiple intelligences to enhance cognitive functioning following brain trauma. He initially created The Multiple Intelligence Developmental Scales (MIDAS) in 1987. In his private practice, he has counseled adults, adolescents and their families to improve educational / vocational achievement and personal satisfaction.




How to Cite

İflazoğlu Saban, A., Kuşdemir Kayıran, B., Işık, D., & Shearer, B. (2012). The validity and reliability study of Turkish version of the multiple intelligences developmental assessment scales. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 651–666. Retrieved from



Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Research