The effects of the philosophy history translations on our philosophy view


  • Ebru Güven


Felsefe, Felsefe Tarihi, Çeviri Yayın, Felsefe Tasavvuru, Felsefe Manzarası, Philosophy, Philosophy History, Translated Publication, Philosophy Envisagement, Philosophy View


It is possible to say that there are o lot of factors that affect the movements of philosophy are being happened in a society. One of these factors is The Philosophy History that has formed the progress of phiosophical view from past to now. And so, he books of Philosophy History that have effects on the idea of view in its own period of time. From this point, we think that we may understand how the philosophical idea has formed in our country by the helps of comprehension of these published translation books. We hava especailly tried to research some of the main Philosophy History Books that were published after Republic. We may have  misunderstood some of points- of course -and there may be some deficienies in explanation. But, in spite of every lacks, the aim of our study that we have sincerely tried to formed is to help to understand how it seems, our philosophy view.         


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Author Biography

Ebru Güven

Lisansımı Atatürk Üniversitesi Felsefe Grubu Öğretmenliği bölümünde tamamladım, 1998 ylında öğretmenliğe başladım, 2001 yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi Felsefe bölümünde yüksek lisansa başladım ve 2004 yılında mezun oldum, 29 yaşındayım, halen Sakarya'da öğretmenlik yapıyorum.



How to Cite

Güven, E. (2007). The effects of the philosophy history translations on our philosophy view. Journal of Human Sciences, 4(1). Retrieved from


