Pre school education teachers' perceptions of their administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors


  • Eda Oktay Gürocak Bahcesehir Kolejleri
  • Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu Bahcesehir University


Instructional Leadership, Preschool Teachers, Educational Administration


The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of preschool teachers in terms of their principals’ instructional leadership behaviors. Research is designed with a general scanning model. 162 preschool teachers chosen from a chain of a private school, from 12 provinces, constituted the study sample. "School Principals' Instructional Leadership Behaviors Survey", previously developed by Sisman (2004) was used as a tool for data collection.  Results of the study showed that perceptions of teachers' about their administrators' instructional leadership behaviors were found to be satisfactory. Teachers, who work in schools located in cities out of Istanbul appeared be more positive when compared to teachers, who work in Istanbul schools.



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Author Biographies

Eda Oktay Gürocak, Bahcesehir Kolejleri

Eda Oktay Gurocak is an  Pre School educational coordinator at Bahcesehir Colleges.

Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu, Bahcesehir University

Ozge Hacifazlioglu is an associate professor at Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Istanbul , Turkey


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How to Cite

Gürocak, E. O., & Hacıfazlıoğlu, Özge. (2012). Pre school education teachers’ perceptions of their administrators’ instructional leadership behaviors. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 318–338. Retrieved from



Educational Administration and Management