A critical view of guide book for teachers of music lesson in 8th class of primary education school


  • Damla Bulut Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Nigde University; Faculty of Education; Department of fine Arts Music Teaching Program


Primary Education, 8th Class, Music Education, Music Lesson, Guide Book for Teachers.


In this study, it is aimed at analyzing the guide book for teachers of music lesson in 8th class of primary education under learning field, attainment and efficiency dimensions, determining coincidence of mentioned dimensions and specifying functionality levels of these dimensions in music education. In the direction of specified goal, the data has been collected by scanning literature and analyzing documentation. Under research findings, the learning field, it is deduced that the learning field in relation to “Birlikte Seslendirelim and Atatürk’üm” Captions in Guide Book for Teachers of Music Lesson in 8th Class coincides with efficiency dimensions, and they are determined according to desired activities in teaching of the issue, and the learning field in relation to Captions “İstiklal Marşı’mız, 9/8’lik Aksak Ölçü, Gururla Söylüyorum, Seslerin Oyunu, Müzikte Dizileri Tanıyalım, Senkop (Aksatım), Sanat ve Müzik, Türkülerimizin Öyküleri, Kendi Ritim Kalıbımı Oluşturuyorum, Müzikte Çok Seslilik, Geleneksel Müziklerimiz, Benim Ezgim, Ezgilerimiz, Ata’mızın Gözüyle Müzik ve Müziğin Evrenselliği” coincides with attainment dimensions and they are determined according to desired activities in teaching of the issue, but there are shortcomings in learning field, attainment and efficiency dimensions. Under these conclusions, it is established that functionality levels of learning field-attainment-efficiency that mentioned in guide book for teachers of music lesson in 8th class of primary education, in the process of music education are too low.



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Author Biography

Damla Bulut, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Nigde University; Faculty of Education; Department of fine Arts Music Teaching Program

Damla BULUT, Ph.D.
Nigde University Faculty of Education
Department of Fine Arts Music Teaching Program
Nigde - TURKEY

Ph.D., Music Education (2005) Gazi University, Ankara TURKEY

Master, Music Education (2001) Selcuk University, Konya TURKEY

License (1999) Erciyes University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kayseri TURKEY


Associate Professor, Nigde University, Nigde, TURKEY, 2012/Present

Assistant Professor, Nigde University, Nigde, TURKEY, 2009/2012

Assistant Professor, Erciyes University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kayseri, TURKEY, 2006/2009

Research Assistant, Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY, 2001/2005

Research Assistant, Erciyes University, Kayseri, TURKEY, 2000/2001

President of Fine Art Education Department, Nigde University, Nigde, TURKEY, 2012/Present

President of Music Department, Erciyes University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kayseri TURKEY, 2007-2009

Main Branch of Art Enstruman Music Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kayseri TURKEY, 2006-2008

Vice-President of Music Department, Erciyes University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kayseri TURKEY, 2006-2007




How to Cite

Bulut, D. (2012). A critical view of guide book for teachers of music lesson in 8th class of primary education school. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 109–125. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/2085


