Textual analysis of Nahjolbalaqa letters based on Bloom’s Cognitive Model


  • Parviz Alavinia Assistant Professor, Urmia University
  • Shirin Malekzadeh Department of English Language, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran.


Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy, Abstraction, ‘Letter’ Analysis, Cognitive Level, Nahjolbalaqa


The dominion of Islamic world is replete with varied theological and spiritual masterpieces. One such outstanding work which has outlived its own time and the passage of time has not been able to undermine its beauty is Nahjolbalaqa (a road to eloquence). Nahjolbalaqa, the collection of Imam Ali’s (peace be upon him) statements, consists of three different parts alternatively known as ‘Sermons’, ‘Letters’, and ‘Wisdom’. The main purpose of this exploratory study is the textual analysis of ‘letters’ of Nahjolbalaqa according to Bloom’s cognitive model. Based on Bloom’s taxonomy, there are six different cognitive levels commencing with the most concrete and gradually moving toward the more abstract end of the continuum. These levels are termed Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. In the current scrutiny, all the 79 ‘letters’ of Nahjolbalaqa, which amount to 255 titles if we consider their subcategories, have been analyzed according to Bloom’s model in an attempt to come up with a vivid elucidation of their characteristics. As the final analysis of the gained upshots revealed, the majority of ‘letters’ pored over were found to comply with the levels of evaluation and knowledge in Bloom’s model. Ultimately, it is hoped that the present study would prove helpful for commentators and all those who are in need of a deeper understanding of Nahjolbalaqa, particularly when it comes to finding out the corresponding level of abstraction for each individual ‘letter’.



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Author Biographies

Parviz Alavinia, Assistant Professor, Urmia University

Parviz Alavinia holds a PhD in TEFL/TESOL from Allameh Tabataba'i University in Tehran and is now involved as a full-time assistant professor and staff member at Urmia University. His main areas of interests include psycholinguistics, philosophy of language, critical discourse analysis and particularly emotional intelligence.

Shirin Malekzadeh, Department of English Language, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran.

Shirin Malekzadeh is an MA Student at Islamic Azad University (Urmia branch). She is mainly interested in linguistic probe.




How to Cite

Alavinia, P., & Malekzadeh, S. (2012). Textual analysis of Nahjolbalaqa letters based on Bloom’s Cognitive Model. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 715–730. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/2148


