A comparative review on local government: Ander pressure of central goverment and market mechanism


  • Mehmet Özel Niğde University
  • Veysel Eren Mustafa Kemal University


Local government, central government, market, administration reform, neoliberal policy.


Neoliberal policies after 1980 aimed at reforming public administration, especially owing to financial budget deficit, in terms of both central and local administrations. In this study,  local administration reforms in Turkey, Germany and France have been studied comperatively taking method of change together into consideration. The comparison focuses on similarities and distinctness of the above-mentioned countries from two aspects, namely, the first one is functional change between central and local governments (with the help of vertical point of view) and the second one is regulation of the relations between local governments and market or third sector (with the help of horizontal point of view). The second reconsideration surely positions evoluation from “local government” to “local governence” which is in the process of reform into the center of the discussion. The purpose of the study is to reveal comperatively the institutional and functional changes emerging during process of decentralisation and gaining a place in the market in the countries where neoliberal policies  are implemented.



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Author Biographies

Mehmet Özel, Niğde University

Doç. Dr., Niğde Üni. İİBF. Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü,

Veysel Eren, Mustafa Kemal University

Doç. Dr., Mustafa Kemal Üni. İİBF. Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü




How to Cite

Özel, M., & Eren, V. (2012). A comparative review on local government: Ander pressure of central goverment and market mechanism. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1379–1401. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/2178



Public Administration