Incidental foreign language vocabulary acquisition from social network games


  • Yakup Çetin Fatih University
  • Ömer Faruk Sözcü Fatih University
  • Hüseyin Kınay Fatih University


Social networks, computer assisted language learning, games


It is widely known that young people use social networks not only for sharing and communication purposes but also as means of entertainment and pleasure by playing various online games. Furthermore, there is a common belief among pedagogues that spending valuable amount of time on social networks to play online games can lead to negative academic, personal and social outcomes. However, the findings of this study based on survey conducted with 248 high school students reveal that social network games can also have pedagogical benefits. The results of this research have shown that students can incidentally learn an important number of foreign language words from popular online games on social networks.



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Author Biographies

Yakup Çetin, Fatih University

Faculty of Education, English Language Teaching, Assist. Prof.Dr

Ömer Faruk Sözcü, Fatih University

Faculty of Education, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Assist. Prof. Dr.

Hüseyin Kınay, Fatih University

Faculty of Education, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Research Assistant


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How to Cite

Çetin, Y., Sözcü, Ömer F., & Kınay, H. (2012). Incidental foreign language vocabulary acquisition from social network games. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 536–552. Retrieved from



Computer Education and Instructional Technologies