Examinations of knowledge and applications about toy selections of mothers who have child 1-3 age group


  • Esma Sülü Uğurlu Ege Üniversitesi, Ödemiş Sağlık Yüksekokulu
  • Funda Özet Ödemiş Sağlık Yüksekokulu
  • Derya Ayçiçek Ödemiş Sağlık Yüksekokulu


Play, toy, toy selection


Objective: This study was descriptive research whıch conducted to determine of knowledge and applications about toy selections of mothers who have chıld 1-3 age group

Methods: This study was taken 250 mothers who agreed to participate in research and who have chıld 1-3 age group, admitted to state hospital in chıld polyclinc in Odemis between 20th November-20thJanuary.

Results: It was found that %34.0 of mothers in research found itself sometimes sufficient about toy selection, %82.8 of them didn’t receive any information abaout toy selection, %78.4 of them read the warnings on the purchase of toys, %83.6 of them was attention when bought toys that the chıld’s age, %86.4 of them was attention when bought toys that the chıld’s gender, %94.8 of them was attention when bought toys that the toy was safe, %88.8 of them cleaned up toys.

Conclusion: Mothers who participated in research determined to need for information about toy selections for chıldren according to age group.



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Author Biographies

Esma Sülü Uğurlu, Ege Üniversitesi, Ödemiş Sağlık Yüksekokulu

Chıld Health and Dısease Nursıng, PhD.

Funda Özet, Ödemiş Sağlık Yüksekokulu


Derya Ayçiçek, Ödemiş Sağlık Yüksekokulu





How to Cite

Sülü Uğurlu, E., Özet, F., & Ayçiçek, D. (2012). Examinations of knowledge and applications about toy selections of mothers who have child 1-3 age group. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 879–891. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/2243



Nursing and Midwifery