From modernisation to globalization Turkey’s path


  • Hakan Cem Çetin Diyarbakır Police Department Antismuggling Department
  • Ahmet Çelik Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı A.Gaffar Okkan PMYO


Globalization, IMF, World Bank, Universalization, Islam, Kurdish Problem, EU, Custom Union


The people of different societies are feeling the effects of globalization very strongly in their daily life. The rapid advances in the technological arena as well as the high-speed communication made the transformation harsher for developing countries. Turkey is one of those countries which experiences transformation even harder than many other developing countries in the globe, as a result of turmoil it has been enduring in the last 30 years. In this paper we analyze why Turkey has been experiencing all this turbulence much more severe and in a more complex way. As a requirement, we have had a short look at the foundation of the Turkish republic and its progress towards modernization. Then, we have assessed the recent developments occurring in Turkey from the globalization perspective as well the effects of the globalization process on this country. 



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Author Biographies

Hakan Cem Çetin, Diyarbakır Police Department Antismuggling Department

Dr. Hakan Cem Çetin holds a doctoral degree in Global Affairs from The Rutgers University Division of Global Affairs, New Jersey USA. Currently He is Division Chief at Antismuggling Division of Diyarbakır Police Department.

Ahmet Çelik, Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı A.Gaffar Okkan PMYO

Dr. Ahmet Çelik holds a doctoral degree in Criminal Juctice from The Rutgers School of Criminal Justice, New Jersey USA. Currently He is Acting Deputy Director at Turkish National Police Academy A.Gaffar Okkan Police Vocational School.




How to Cite

Çetin, H. C., & Çelik, A. (2012). From modernisation to globalization Turkey’s path. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 905–915. Retrieved from



Political Science