Parental behavioral and psychological control relationships to self-esteem, life satisfaction, depression, and antisocial behaviors


  • Yalçın Özdemir Adnan Menderes Üniversity Faculty of Education Psychological Counseling & Guidance


Behavioral control, Psychological Control, Self Esteem, Life Satisfaction, Depression, Antisocial Behaviors


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between parental behavioral control, psychological control and self-esteem, life satisfaction, antisocial behaviors and depression among Turkish adolescents. Participants for the present study consisted of 333 adolescents (168 girls, 163 boys) between the age of 13 to 15 with a mean of 13.90 (SD=.514) years. Participants completed measures on behavioral control, psychological control and self-esteem, life satisfaction, antisocial behaviors and depression. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that behavioral control positively predicted life satisfaction, self-esteem, and negatively predicted antisocial behaviors and depression. Psychological control was significantly and positively predicted antisocial behaviors and depression, negatively predicted life satisfaction. Present study provided evidence for the role of behavioral and psychological control in adolescents’ self-esteem, life satisfaction, depression and antisocial behaviors. Also, findings underscore the role of differential associations of parental behavioral and psychological control with the well-being and ill-being of adolescents. Findings were discussed in terms of implications for parent education programs and family intervention program.



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Author Biography

Yalçın Özdemir, Adnan Menderes Üniversity Faculty of Education Psychological Counseling & Guidance

Psychological Counseling & Guidance



1. Undergraduate: Middle East Tachnical University, Psychological Counseling & Guidance

2. MS: Middle East Tachnical University, Psychological Counseling & Guidance

3. PhD: Ankara University, Educational Psychology

Journal Articles: Peer Reviewed

Özdemir, Y., Vazsonyi, A. T., Çok, F. (2012). Parenting processes and aggression: The role of self-control among Turkish adolescents. Journal of Adolescence,

Özdemir, Y. (2012). Examining the subjective well-being of adolescents in terms of demographic variables, parental control, and parental warmth. Education and Science, 37(165), 20-33.


Özdemir, Y., Vazsonyi, A. T., Çok, F.. Parenting processes and aggression: The role of self-control among Turkish adolescents. Paper presented at 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research in Adolescence, Spetses, Greece, August 29 to September 1, 2012.

İlhan, T., & Özdemir, Y. Adaptation of authenticity scale to turkish: a validity and reliability study. Paper presented at ınternatıonal counseling and education conference (Ice-C 2012), İstanbul, Turkey, 3-5 May 2012.

Özdemir, Y.  Turkish parents’ and adolescents’ timetable for adolescents’ behavioural autonomy. Paper presented at World Conference of International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiarty and Allied Disciplines (IACAPAP) Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, April 30- May 3 2008.



Child and adolescent development in context (family, school,  and culture); the salience of family/parenting processes; adolescent adjustment and well-being;  self-control/self regulation





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How to Cite

Özdemir, Y. (2013). Parental behavioral and psychological control relationships to self-esteem, life satisfaction, depression, and antisocial behaviors. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1581–1590. Retrieved from



Guidance and Psychological Counselling