To study the obesity status among Rajput population of Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh in terms of Body mass index and waist hip ratio


  • Seerat sachdeva Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi
  • Kallur Nava Saraswathy Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.
  • Priyanka Rani Garg Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.
  • Shanti lal Malik Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.


obesity, Rajput population, BMI, WHR


Body mass index (BMI) and Waist hip ratio (WHR) are the two most commonly used anthropometric measurements to assess obesity. We measured height and weight to calculate BMI and, waist and hip circumference to calculate WHR. In the present study we have tried to understand the prevalence and the trend of obesity among 171 individuals among Rajput population of Himachal Pradesh, India. However, this study explains that WHR is better predictor obesity as mean BMI is found to be in the normal range for all the individuals.



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Author Biographies

Seerat sachdeva, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi

Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi,India.

MSc Anthropology,research scholar

Kallur Nava Saraswathy, Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.

Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.

Ph.D,Assistant Professor

Priyanka Rani Garg, Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.

Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.

MPhil.Research Scholar

Shanti lal Malik, Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.

Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,India.



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How to Cite

sachdeva, S., Saraswathy, K. N., Garg, P. R., & Malik, S. lal. (2012). To study the obesity status among Rajput population of Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh in terms of Body mass index and waist hip ratio. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1153–1157. Retrieved from


