Turkish adaptation, validity and reliability study of the teacher efficacy for inclusion scale


  • Bekir Fatih Meral Sakarya University
  • Emrah Bilgiç Sakarya University


Teacher Efficacy for Inclusion Scale, teacher efficacy, confirmatory factor analysis, validity, reliability


The purpose of this study is to determine the psychometric properties of the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusion Scale (TEI), developed by Hollender (2011), in inclusion settings over the sample in Turkey. After ensuring linguistic equivalence and face validity of the scale, 343 current data was gathered from primary classroom teachers in inclusion settings. The results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (x2/sd=4.06, RMSEA=0.09, SRMR=0.05, NFI=0.96, NNFI=0.97, CFI=0.97) showed that the scale has an acceptable goodness of fit. The internal consistency coefficient (?=.96) and values of the two-half reliability (Pearson r=.93 ve Spearman's rho=.92) were high. Item-total correlations of the scale were high and and t-tests between items’ means of upper 27%-lower 27% points were significant. According to the results, it can be said that the scale can be used as a valid and reliable scale to determine the efficacy of primary school teachers in insclusion settings in Turkey with Teacher Efficacy for Inclusion Scale.



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Author Biographies

Bekir Fatih Meral, Sakarya University

Bekir Fatih Meral is a lecturer at Sakarya University. He received his Ph.D. in Family Quality of Life from Anadolu University. His study areas are social support, family life quality, family education, assessment and evaluation.

Corresponding author:

Dr. Bekir Fatih Meral

Sakarya University

Faculty of Education

Department of Special Education

54300 Hendek/Sakarya, TURKEY

Tel. +90 0264 614 10 33 (internal 181).

Fax. +90 0264 614 10 34.

Gsm. +90 0530 655 30 97.

E. Mail: bfmeral@gmail.combfmeral@sakarya.edu.tr

Emrah Bilgiç, Sakarya University

Emrah Bilgiç is a lecturer at Sakarya University. He study about Inclusion Settings in special education doctorate program at Anadolu University. His study areas are inclusion, IEP, communication and body language.

Lecturer Emrah Bilgiç

Sakarya University

Faculty of Education

Department of Special Education

54300 Hendek/Sakarya, TURKEY

Tel. +90 0264 614 10 33 (internal 192).

Fax. +90 0264 614 10 34.

Gsm. +90 0505 537 71 66.

E. Mail: eabilgic@gmail.com - ebilgic@sakarya.edu.tr




How to Cite

Meral, B. F., & Bilgiç, E. (2012). Turkish adaptation, validity and reliability study of the teacher efficacy for inclusion scale. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 253–263. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/2329



Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Research