Use of Twitter usage by club fans
Social Networks, communication, Twitter, media, sport.Abstract
Social networking sites which are Web 2.0 applications have become widespread and there are of usage has increased. The study aims to investigate the purpose of using the social networking site, Twitter by club fans. The sample of the study is composed of fans from Spor Toto (Turkish football pool) Football Super League Clubs Galatasaray and Trabzonspor with registered official Twitter accounts. A 20-item data collection tool was developed in line with the literature and expert views and was published in an internet site for a whole month in August. The views of the 452 fans that filled in the form were analyzed. Results show that the new social networking site Twitter has been mostly followed by males between 18-24 ages that are fans of sports clubs. Fans have stated that they mostly follow Twitter in order to learn about the views of footballers and sports managers. Its interactive features and provision of direct and reliable information by Twitter have been stated as the reasons of high preferences for Twitter compared with the other medias.
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