Adaption of “Social Capital Scale”: Validity and reliability study


  • Faik Ardahan Akdeniz University


Social Capital, Reliability, Validity, Turkish Population


The purpose of this study was to identify reliability and validity of The Measurement of Social Capital scales’ developed by Onxy and Bullen (2000) for Turkish population. The sample of current study was composed 410 volunteer participants who live in Antalya. In the statistical analysis, scale exploratory factor analysis was conducted to identify the sub-factors of the 34 items but six items excluded. The 28 items were taken in to consideration and after statistical analysis 28 of 34 items were grouped under nine sub-factors. Whether the data was suitable to this analysis, Kaiser Mayer Olkin (0.687) and Bartlett Spheritiy test (p<0.05) results were taken into consideration. Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency test (0.711) was applied to the identified sub-factors and overall scale. The variance explained by these subscales was %56.604.


Finally, results revealed that The Measurement of Social Capital was a reliable and valid scale in the estimation of the social capital of the Turkish population.


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Author Biography

Faik Ardahan, Akdeniz University

I studied business administration at Erciyes University. I got my MBA degree at the same university on “cellular manufacturing” subject. I graduated my PhD degree in business administration at Selcuk University on “franchising in tourism”. I’m making academical studies on Recreation, Total Quality Management, Problem Solving and Decisions Making Techniques, Time Management, Human Resources Management. I’m working in Recreation department in Akdeniz University, Physical Education and Sport School


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How to Cite

Ardahan, F. (2012). Adaption of “Social Capital Scale”: Validity and reliability study. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 773–789. Retrieved from


