Revisiting Marx and Dahrendorf on social exclusion and inclusion


  • Fatih Irmak Turkish National Police
  • İdris Güçlü Tunceli Governorate


Social exclusion, social inclusion, sociological thought, Marx, Dahrendorf, conflict


Social exclusion and inclusion have become popular concepts discussed in social sciences for the last three decades. In extant literature, it is understood that discussions around these concepts rarely refer to the classical sociological thought emerged in Europe, even though these concepts are quite relative to discuss within the boundaries of sociological thought, especially in conflict tradition. Little attention has also been paid to explanation of social exclusion and social inclusion as regards to the conflict tradition. In this regard, this piece of work relates the issue to thoughts of two leading scholars of conflict tradition. This study traces roots of notions of social exclusion and inclusion in the conflict tradition by examining original works of Marx and Dahrendorf. This paper shows contending and converging ideas of Marx and Dahrendorf on social exclusion and social inclusion. Finally, the paper rejuvenates the ideas of conflict tradition on the domain of social exclusion and inclusion.



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Author Biographies

Fatih Irmak, Turkish National Police

Fatih Irmak is a sociologist working at TNP. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of North Texas, TX, USA. His current studies focus on contemporary problems of the society, crime, social capital and social structure.


İdris Güçlü, Tunceli Governorate

İdris Güçlü is a sociologist working at Tunceli Governorate. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of North Texas, TX, USA. His research interests are crime trends and social structure.


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How to Cite

Irmak, F., & Güçlü, İdris. (2012). Revisiting Marx and Dahrendorf on social exclusion and inclusion. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1499–1509. Retrieved from


