The effects of postural control to gender differences in children
postural balance, boys, girls, static balanceAbstract
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of gender differences on children’s static balance parameters. A total number of 60 children (girls group N=30, boys group N=30) aged 9-11 who had been never involved in any sport activities before, took part in this study voluntarily. Anthropometric measurements (height, weight) and bilateral, unilateral static balance tests were conducted on the both groups. For statistical comparison of the students, t test was used.
When bilateral (EO, EC) and unilateral (left leg) static balance parameters of boys were compared to the balance parameters of girls, it was found statisticaly significant (p<0.05). No statistical differences were found for Romberg test (perimeter ratio, area ratio) and unilateral (right leg) static balance of the subjects between genders. (p>0.05).
It was stated that 1) boys spend more time outside than the girls and that’s why their physical suitability was higher than the girls, 2) although they aren’t involved in any sport professionally, they play team games like soccer, basketball more than girls. It can be concluded that physical activity increases muscle strength of boys and affect their balance performance positively.
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