Turkish adaptation of the Shared Leadership Perception Scale
Shared leadership, validity, reliabilityAbstract
This research has been done to determine Turkish adaptation with its validity and reliability of the Shared Leadership Perception Scale 232 secondary school teachers working in province of Sakarya constitute the study group of the research. The research results are as follows: As a result of linguistic equivalance analysis of scale a high level of significant relation in a positive direction has been found out between the Turkish and English forms. It has been found out that Cronbach Alpha (α) coefficients calculated α= .91 in total, that they change between α=74 and α=88 in accordance with the dimensions, that total correlations of items are between.40-.73 and that the item points of the top - bottom groups of % 27 differ significantly for the reliability survey. It has been understood that the validity of the scale has also been verified due to the fact that the goodness - of - fit points of the scale are at the level desired also according to the confirmatory factor analysis results. All the validity and reliability analysis results carried out show that the Shared Leadership Perception Scale can be used as a valid and reliable assessment instrument in the studies where school employees in Turkey are going to be taken as sample.
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