Technical and harmonic analysis of Carl Czerny op. 299 number 34 etude


  • Mehmet Serkan Umuzdas Gaziosmanpasa University


Piano, piano education, etude, Czerny, etude analysis of etude


In this study, the 34th etude of the book Czerny Op. 299 that is one of the commonly employed books in the piano training was analysed in terms of technique and harmony. The etude was examined in terms of its technical features and contributions to technical development. If an etude is analysed before it is played, time and effort can be amanged much more efficiently. In turn, it may contribute to play the etude or work in accordance with its objectives and to produce outcomes. The aims of this study are to make the students aware of the goals and methods of etudes and to provide them with the suggestions for studying. It is suggested that any etude written with the 2/4 rhythm pattern should be played very vividly and energytically. Any etude written in the octave width of 5.5 is made up of 43 scales in two section.

The etude is composed of two sections, each with four sentences and two periods. It also involves 43 scales. Of them, 16 scales are in the first section and the remaining 27 scales are in the second section. The etude has very regular system in terms of harmonic continuity and motives. It has a homogenious pattern in terms of the order of the sentences with half-decsion and those with full-decision.



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Author Biography

Mehmet Serkan Umuzdas, Gaziosmanpasa University

Gaziosmanpasa Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Bilim Dalı Müzik Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı




How to Cite

Umuzdas, M. S. (2012). Technical and harmonic analysis of Carl Czerny op. 299 number 34 etude. Journal of Human Sciences, 9(2), 1569–1580. Retrieved from


