Assessment of self-efficacy levels of Toros University students


  • Erol Türedi
  • Mehmet Miman Toros University
  • İhsan Sarı Sakarya University
  • Zafer Bekiroğulları Toros University


Self-efficacy, gender, age, income level, student


This study aimed to examine the self-efficacy levels of Toros University students according to some demographic characteristics between 2012-2013 academic year. The sample group includes 325 students studying in different departments in Toros University. Besides the questionnaire that contains demographic information, the self-efficacy scale was used in order to gather the data. The scale was developed Yıldırım and İlhan (2010).  One way ANOVA for more than two groups and t test analysis were used. The results showed that there was not any significant difference for self-efficacy levels of students according to their gender, age and families’ income level (p>0.05). As a result it could be said that self-efficacy levels of students did not differ according to the demographic variables which were examined in this research.


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Author Biographies

Erol Türedi

Toros University, Department of Psychology

Mehmet Miman, Toros University

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering,

İhsan Sarı, Sakarya University

School of Physical Education and Sports

Zafer Bekiroğulları, Toros University

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Toros University


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How to Cite

Türedi, E., Miman, M., Sarı, İhsan, & Bekiroğulları, Z. (2013). Assessment of self-efficacy levels of Toros University students. Journal of Human Sciences, 10(2), 462–466. Retrieved from


