As an instance of Mersin province on child rearing according to socioeconomic level



Child rearing, Family, child, Parental


The aim of this study is to search the parents who have children aged between 3 to 6 years in Mersin’s Toros district, and to specify how their attitudes of child care- education. At the same time this study also searches the effects of parents’ socioeconomic level of child rearing.

This study has been implemented on the 232 volunteer parents who have children aged between 3 and 6 years in Mersin’s Toros district. Applied family life and child care –education scale which has been developed with Öner and Torun (1989), consisted of questionnaires which will affect the attitudes of the parents in terms of child care- education and this includes   demographic information which will introduce the parents. These surveys have been performed by the parents who have children in Toros district’s Playschools, kindergartens and day care center by one-to-one interviews. The data which is obtained from surveys by the help of the SPSS 16.0 packet program has been evaluated by using the rate per cents, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t- test of analysis of variance and one way ANOVA.

In consequence of this assessment has been seen the significant differences between participants’ ages and protectiveness dimension F (3,228) = 2,553; p<0,050], and has been seen the meaningful differences between levels of income and overprotective dimension [f (4,227) =3, 361; p<0,050]

As a consequence has been seen the significance of the family’s socioeconomic level of child rearing. Child-rearing attitudes of families with low socio-economic level had significantly more protective attitude.


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Author Biographies

Musa Eroğlu, Toros University

Toros University, Department of Psychology

Turhan Toros, Toros University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Toros University, Department of Psychology

Mehmet Miman, Toros University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Toros University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Statistical Expert

Mehmet Cüneyt Birkök, Sakarya University

Assist. Prof. Dr., Sakarya University, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Eroğlu, M., Toros, T., Miman, M., & Birkök, M. C. (2013). As an instance of Mersin province on child rearing according to socioeconomic level. Journal of Human Sciences, 10(2), 326–337. Retrieved from


