The effects of customer focused selling on destination choice and decision of purchasing: An empirical study on British tourists travelling to Turkey


  • Sirvan Sen Demir Süleyman Demirel University
  • Mahmut Demir Süleyman Demirel University
  • Kevin Nield Sheffield Hallam University


Customer-focused selling, Destination choice, Decision of purchasing, British tourists, Turkey


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between customer-focused selling (CFS) approaches, customers’ destination choice (DC) and decision of purchasing (DP). The secondary purpose is to examine the moderating effect of destination choice on the relationship between CFS and DP. The results indicate that all of the factors have a significant and positive relationship with each other. While the moderating effect of DC significantly influenced the relationship between the building trust and credibility, investigating the purchasing factors, offering solutions dimensions of CFS and DP. The moderating effect was insignificant with regard to the relationship between gaining agreements and building long-term relationships dimensions of CFS and DP.


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Author Biographies

Sirvan Sen Demir, Süleyman Demirel University

Dr. Şirvan Şen Demir is Head of Department of Hospitality Management and Assistant Professor of Tourism Management in the Department of Hospitality Management, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey. She has BBA, MBA and PhD in Tourism Management. Her current research interests are; tourism management, tourism marketing, consumer behavior, communication techniques and public relations, and customer relation management. She has published books and articles in national and international journals and presentations in conference books. She teaches tourism courses at undergraduate levels. She serves as a reviewer of national and international journals of tourism.

Mahmut Demir, Süleyman Demirel University

Dr. Mahmut Demir is Associate Professor of Tourism Management in the Department of Hospitality Management, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey. He has BBA, MBA and PhD in Tourism Management. His current research interests are; tourism management, human resources management, organizational behaviour, tourism education and research method for business. He has published books, book chapters and articles in national and international journals and presentations in conference books. He teaches tourism and business administration courses at graduate and undergraduate levels. He serves as a reviewer and on editorial boards of national and international journals of tourism.

Kevin Nield, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr. Kevin Nield is Head of Department of Service Sector Management in Sheffield Business School. Before taking up his present position at SHU Kevin has worked in a wide variety of positions within the catering and retail industries and in further education. He has co-researched three editions of the British Hospitality Association's annual British Hospitality: Trends and Statistics and is joint author of Contemporary Issues in Hospitality and Tourism in China and India. Kevin has a particular interest in education and is a honorary associate of the HE Academy network for Hospitality, Leisure, Tourism, Sport and Food and the Director of Education for EuroCHRIE. He has represented the sector on QAA working groups and panels.



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How to Cite

Demir, S. S., Demir, M., & Nield, K. (2013). The effects of customer focused selling on destination choice and decision of purchasing: An empirical study on British tourists travelling to Turkey. Journal of Human Sciences, 10(2), 443–461. Retrieved from


