Evaluation of surgical nurses’ attitudes concerning patient safety


  • Ali Şahin Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Health College, Karaman
  • Fatma Ayhan Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Health College, Karaman
  • Şerife Kurşun Selçuk University, Health Sciences Faculty, Department of Surgical Disease Nursing


Patient safety, Opinion of patient safety, Operating room


The present study was designed as a descriptive study to evaluate the attitudes of surgical nurses concerning patient safety. The study included 123 nurses, who have been working in the operating rooms of the hospitals in Karaman, Konya for at least one year and were voluntary to participate in the study. Data collection tools included a questionnaire to inquire demographic characteristics of surgical nurses, and “Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) -Operating Room Version” to evaluate their attitudes concerning patient safety. The mean scores obtained from SAQ sub-dimensions were between 42.12 ±16.82 and 69.07±24.44, whereas the mean score of SAQ total was 59.11 ±13.29. Statistically significant difference was determined between the mean SAQ total score and age, weekly working hours, duration of working in the operating room, resting status, receiving in service training, and training about patient safety. The present study will enhance patient safety in operating rooms by providing an improvement in communication among health workers and in team collaboration, regulating working hours, and scheduling training programs to establish an opinion about worker safety and patient safety.


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Author Biographies

Ali Şahin, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Health College, Karaman

Department of pharmacology, Prof. Dr.

Fatma Ayhan, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Health College, Karaman

Department of Surgical Disease Nursing, Lecturer.

Şerife Kurşun, Selçuk University, Health Sciences Faculty, Department of Surgical Disease Nursing

Department of Surgical Disease Nursing, Assist. Prof. Dr


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How to Cite

Şahin, A., Ayhan, F., & Kurşun, Şerife. (2015). Evaluation of surgical nurses’ attitudes concerning patient safety. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(1), 1537–1546. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/2879



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