Investigation of burnout in marriage


  • Mustafa Pamuk Fırat University
  • Emine Durmuş İnönü University


Couple Burnout, Spousal Support, Dyadic Trust, Interpersonel Cognitive Distortions, and Marriage


Aim of this study is to investigate of couple burnout in terms of some demografic variables, spousal support, dyadic trust, and interpersonel cognitive distortions in Turkey. The participant of the study is 482 married individuals, who are 271 female, 211 male live in Elazığ. To collect data; personel information form, Marriage Burnout Scale-Short Form (MBS-SF), Dyadic Trust Scale (DTS), Spouse Support Scale (SSS), and Interpersonel Cognitive Distortions Scale (ICDS) were applied to participants.  To analyse data; correlation, t test, ANOVA and structural equation model (SEM) were used. Results revealed that there were significant differences between couple burnout and independent variables (gender,  types of marriage, consanguineous marriage,  number of children, and education level ). According to results from  SEM, 44% variance of couple burnout was explained by spousal support, dyadic trust, and interpersonel cognitive distortions. The results of the study were discussed together with the results of different studies and suggestions were made.



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Author Biographies

Mustafa Pamuk, Fırat University

Res. Asst., Fırat University, Faculty of Education, Educational Science Department, Guidance and Counseling Program

Emine Durmuş, İnönü University

Assist. Prof. Dr., İnönü University, Faculty of Education, Educational Science Department, Guidance and Counseling Program


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How to Cite

Pamuk, M., & Durmuş, E. (2015). Investigation of burnout in marriage. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(1), 162–177. Retrieved from


