The sources of self-esteem: Initating and maintaining romantic intimacy at emerging adulthood in Turkey


  • Nilüfer Özabacı Osmangazi University
  • Ali Eryılmaz Osmangazi University


adolescence, emerging adulthood, relation, relationship quality, romantic intimacy, self-esteem


This study examines the relationship of emerging adults’ in initiating and maintaining romantic intimacy with sub-dimensions and explores the extent that self-esteem in emerging adults could explain the initiation and maintenance of a romantic relationship. The participants included 136 male and 106 female totaling 242 university students. In order to collect data, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Markers of Starting Romantic Intimacy Scale and Quality of Relationship Inventory were used. According to the results, emerging adults perceived both having markers of starting romantic intimacy and the positive quality of relationship as significant sources for their self-esteem. The results of the present study emphasize the significance of self-esteem for starting and maintaining romantic intimacy.


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Author Biographies

Nilüfer Özabacı, Osmangazi University

Ph.D. Professor, Osmangazi University, Faculty of Education

Ali Eryılmaz, Osmangazi University

Associated Professor, Osmangazi University, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Özabacı, N., & Eryılmaz, A. (2015). The sources of self-esteem: Initating and maintaining romantic intimacy at emerging adulthood in Turkey. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(1), 179–191. Retrieved from


