Dimensional comparatives of organizational citizenship and emotional labor: A study on accommodation companies
Tourism, Organizational citizenship behavior, Emotional laborAbstract
This study determines the effects of organizational citizenship behavior on the emotional labor by depending on the theory that exhibiting organizational citizenship behavior might reduce the negation emotional labor expenditure might create. As a result, a significant positive correlation between organizational citizenship behavior and emotional labor has been found. To put it more explicitly; the employees exhibiting organizational citizenship behavior gain a stronger position against the negative effects of emotional labor expenditures. Positive correlation occurs, in the superficial entreating phase of emotional labor. While employees are harmonizing their real feelings which appear in the phase of deep entreating according to the norms of organization and the duty, organizational citizenship behavior has a positive impact. In other words; it can be said that organizational citizenship behavior affects the function of emotional regulation in a positive way. At this point; it can be possible to regulate and manage the deep negative effects of emotional labor on the employees by means of organizational motivators.
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