The challenges of the volunteerism process during international sport organizations/events


  • Meliha Atalay Noordegraaf Free Researcher
  • Müberra Çelebi Asist. Prof. Dr., Abant Izzet Baysal University, The School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Sports Management, Bolu, Turkiye


Volunteer, Volunteering, Olympic Games


The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges of volunteers at various stages in their volunteering activities during international sport organizations/events and how these are interlinked with their personal benefits. This study also aimed to analyze the experiences of volunteers during the management process and their thoughts about volunteerism. The method applied in this study was qualitative in nature and the phenomenological approach was used. Data was collected by interviewing. “Purposeful sampling” method and “Criterion sampling” strategy were used. In this study, 3 experienced volunteer leaders with identified criteria were selected and face to face and online interviews with open-ended questions were conducted in 2015 and written opinions of participants were asked via e-mail. "Descriptive analysis" and "content analysis" methods were used to analyze data. In order to ensure reliability and validity four aspects were used: credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. In these strategies; expert review, confirmation of participants and purposive sampling methods were used. According to the results, 3 main themes: 1. “Volunteerism”, and 2. “Benefits” gained from the experiences with 5 sub themes: a. personal development, b. team work, c. active participation and productivity,  d. joint sense of purpose and e. sustainability were determined; 3. “Challenges” affecting the process of volunteering determined with 6 sub themes: a. field of expertise, b. volunteer education, c. structure of organization, d. management process of the organization, e. budget and f. lack of volunteers. 



Bu çalışmanın amacı uluslararası spor organizasyonlarında gönüllü olan katılımcıların gönüllülük  sürecinde yaşadıkları zorlukları ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmada ayrıca katılımcıların deneyimlerinin ve gönüllülük hakkındaki düşüncelerinin bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, nitel araştırma deseni olarak “fenomenoloji” yaklaşımı ve veri toplamada “görüşme” yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Örneklem seçiminde “amaçlı örnekleme” yöntemlerinden “ölçüt örnekleme” yöntemi seçilmiştir.  Araştırmada, belirlenen ölçütte 3 deneyimli gönüllü lider ile açık uçlu soruları içeren görüşmeler 2015 yılında, yüz-yüze ve mail aracılığı ile yapılmış ve yazılı olarak katılımcılardan görüşleri istenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin çözümü için, nitel analiz yöntemlerinden “betimsel analiz” ve “içerik analiz” yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Geçerlik ve güvenirliği sağlamak üzere inandırıcılık, aktarılabilirlik, tutarlık ve teyit edilebilirliktir stratejilerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu stratejilerde; uzman incelemesi, katılımcı teyidi ve amaçlı örnekleme yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda 1. “Gönüllülük”; 2.Gönüllülük deneyiminde “kazanımlar” ile ilgili 5 alt tema belirlenmiştir. Bunlar:  a. kişisel  gelişim b. takım çalışması c. etkin katılım ve verimlilik d. amaç birlikteliği  ve e. sosyal ağ/iletişim’dir. 3.Genel tema ise: gönüllülük sürecini etkileyen “zorluklar” başlığı altında 6 alt temadır. Bunlar: a.uzmanlık alanı b.gönüllü eğitimi c. organizasyon yapısı d. organizasyonun  yönetim süreci e. bütçe f. süreklilik, alt temalarıdır.


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Author Biographies

Meliha Atalay Noordegraaf, Free Researcher

Meliha AtalayNoordegraaf                                                     

E-mail:  [email protected]


Work Experience

 02/2009 –  04/2009           VUMc EMGO Institute, Amsterdam,   Research Assistant

12/2005 – 12/2008            Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Assistant Prof. Dr.

06/2005 – 12/2005            Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Research Assistant

10/2000 – 06/2005            Marmara University, Istanbul, Research Assistant

12/1997 – 10/2000            Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Research Assistant

10/1994 – 04/1995            DSI Sport Club, Ankara, Swimming Teacher 

06-08/1994                          Camp Redwing, Pittsburg, USA, Counselor (summer work)

1992–1994                          METU Swimming Club, Ankara, Swimming Teacher 



2000 – 2004           PhD; Marmara University, Istanbul, Sport Management                         

 1996 – 2000         MSc.; Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Sport Management                           

 1989 – 1995         Bachelor; Middle East Technical University,

                              Ankara, Physical Education and Sport           

 Further Education

2007                     University of Leiden, Dutch 3+4             

2006                     University of Leiden, Dutch 1+2              1999                     Corfball Trainer Course I, IKF, Istanbul      

1994                     MS-DOS, Word and Excel, Ankara               


Seminars (Participant)

27-29/10, 2005    International Olympic Committee (IOC)

                            Sub-Regional Seminar for Women in Sport,

                            Observer, 27-29 October 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.

14-16/03, 2003    National Olympic Academy, Seminar, Heriot Watt

                             University, Edinburgh, UK.

25-26/10, 2002    Visionary Leadership, Coaching and New

                             Paradigms, Service Education Seminar,

                             International Sports Sciences Congress, Antalya,


10/05-20/06, 2002  10th International Post-Graduate Seminar on

                                Olympic Studies, Participant, 10 May–20 June,

                                2002, Athens/Olympia, Greece.

19/06-04/07, 2001  41st International Session for Young

                                Participants, Participant, International Olympic

                                Academy, 2001, Athens/Olympia, Greece.


Projects and International Organizations

2006-                The Olympic Foundation Netherlands, Olympic

                          Stadium Amsterdam, Volunteer in an international

                          project (Olympic Museums Network Project;

                          OMN) November 2006-2007

08.2006            2nd Aphrodisias-Laodikya International Sports,

                         Youth, Culture and Art Festival, Project Leader and

                         International Participants Coordinator, NOCT,

                         Culture and Art Commission, August 2006, Denizli,


08.2005            1st Aphrodisias International Sports, Youth,

                         Culture and Art Festival, Project Leader and

                         International Participants Coordinator, NOCT,

                         Culture and Art Commission, August 2005, Denizli,


11.2004            10th ICHPER. SD Europe Congress & 8th

                         International Sports Science Congress, Oral

                         Presentation Coordinator, 2004, Antalya, Turkey.

09.2004           Athens 2004 Paralympics, Volunteer,

                     Bocce Division, 2004, Athens,


05.2004           Athens 2004 Olympic Torch Relay,

                      Volunteer’s Coordinator, 2004,



2002-2005       Assistant coordinator en co-author,

                     Istanbul, Turkey.

Project Title:    Sport Culture and Olympic Education

                     in Primary and Secondary Schools.

Project Owner: Turkish National Olympic Commiittee

                     (NOCT) and Marmara Universiy, The

                     School of Physical Education and


Coordinator:     Mr. Yalcin IPBUKEN

Date of Acceptance:2002




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  2. Güzel P., Çoknaz D.,  Atalay-Noordegraaf M., (2009). Environmental Aspects of Sustainable Development Under The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Olympic Organizations, (Poster Presentation), Olympism In The New World Order Symposium, Hacettepe University School of Sport Science and Technology, 24-26 April, Ankara, Turkey.
  3. Atalay M., (2005). The Importance of Olympic Education to Promote the Ideals of Olympism, Quarterly for Exercise & Sport Mar 2005: Vol. 76 Issue 1 Suppl. p. A-103 1p. (Presented in the AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition, April 12-16, Chicago, Illinois).
  4. Savran C., Çoknaz D., Güler L., Atalay M., (2004). Perceived Personality Characteristic of Sport (Poster Presentation), 10th ICHPER.SD European Congress, 17-20 November, Antalya-Turkey.
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  6. Erdoğan Ş., Atalay M., Yoruç Çotuk M. (2004). Sports Sites in Ancient Anatolia: Stadiums, Journal of Olympic History, Vol: 12, No: 3, October 2004.
  7. Mirzeoğlu N., Doğu G., Atalay M. (2002). The Evaluation of Handball Premier Leauge Refrees’ Performances in Season 1999–2000. A.İ.B.Ü. Journal of Social Scinces Institue, 2002–1, No:4.
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Language               Turkish: native

                            English: advanced in reading, speaking and writing

                            Dutch: above intermediate in reading, speaking and writing


Müberra Çelebi, Asist. Prof. Dr., Abant Izzet Baysal University, The School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Sports Management, Bolu, Turkiye

Asist. Prof. Dr., Abant Izzet Baysal University, The School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of  Sports
  Management, Bolu, Turkiye


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How to Cite

Atalay Noordegraaf, M., & Çelebi, M. (2015). The challenges of the volunteerism process during international sport organizations/events. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(1), 1263–1279. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences