The relationship between secondary school grade point average scores and musical interest in Turkey


  • Merve Soycan
  • Feyzan Göher Vural Niğde University


musical interest, school grade point, high school, youth, Turkey, Konya


In Turkish educational system, students’ secondary school grade point average (GPA) scores constitute the basic criteria in determining the high schools they will next attend. Students, who start their high school careers based on this grade, receive their education together with peers who have similar GPA scores.  In these pivotal years which play a significant role in developing character, teenagers not only affect each other through interaction, but also shape their likes and dislikes collectively during this high school period. Music interest in students is also shaped during this process.  This descriptive study has been conducted at nine high schools in central Konya. The sample group includes a total of 626 students, 195 of whom are from three high schools with high GPA scores, 193 from three high schools with average GPA scores, and 238 from three high schools with low GPA scores.  The results of the study reveal not only certain similarities between the student groups, but also significant difference between the groups in terms of the will to play a musical instrument,  the music genres the students prefer to listen, singers and bands the students follow, and whether or not to choose music as a career path.


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Author Biographies

Merve Soycan

Master, Music teacher

Feyzan Göher Vural, Niğde University

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., University of Niğde Turkish Music Conservatory


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How to Cite

Soycan, M., & Göher Vural, F. (2015). The relationship between secondary school grade point average scores and musical interest in Turkey. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 1568–1580. Retrieved from


