The analysis of the relationship between personality traits of extreme athletes and sports consumption motives


  • Merve Ceylan Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
  • Ersin Altıparmak Ege University
  • Fahri Akçakoyun Balıkesir University


Extreme Sports, Extreme Athletes, Personality, Sport Consumption Motive


This research was conducted in order to analyse the relationship between personality traits and sports consumption motives. In line with this purpose, 227 extreme athletes (86 were sportsmen and 141 were sportswomen), which were competitors in sports branches of snowboarding, snow kiting, kitesurfing, windsurfing, kayak, mountain biking, Free-diving, paragliding, rock climbing and rafting, were selected through the method of judgement sampling. Questionnaires were conducted between 1 February- 31 December 2013 at extreme sports facilities in the provinces and districts of Muğla/Marmaris-Fethiye-Bodrum-Gökova, Antalya/Alanya-Kemer, İzmir/Alaçatı-Çeşme, Bursa/ Uludağ, Bolu/ Kartalkaya. In this study, “Extreme Sport Consumption Scale” (ESCS) that was developed by Şimşek (2010) and short version (with 85 articles) of “Five Factor Personality Inventory” (FFPI), which was developed by Somer, Korkmaz and Tatar (2004) were employed in order to collect data.

The results of the study produced significant findings concerning the relationship between personality traits and  their sports consumption motives. The most significant of them all showed that sports consumption motives to a certain extent coincide with personality traits. The assessment of the relationship between ESCS and FFPI according to the gender factor revealed that for female participants, there were negative correlations between physical fitness and extraversion; values, socialisation, seeking for excitement-adventure and docility and letting off stress and self-control (p<.05). For male participants, positive correlations were observed between letting off stress, behavioural intentions and extraversion (p<.05).


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Author Biographies

Merve Ceylan, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Ceylan completed her doctorate at the Department of Psychosocial Fields in Sports, Ege University, 2015. She is working on especially extreme athletes and their personalities. She has been working at Mugla Sitki Kocman University since 2011. She is also a member of Turkish National Kiteboarding Team

Ersin Altıparmak, Ege University

Altıparmak completed his doctorate at the Department of Psychosocial Fields in Sports, Dokuz Eylül University, 1994. He works on self-esteem, the effects of sport in coping with stress. He is working at department of Psychosocial Fields in Sports, Ege University as an assistant professor

Fahri Akçakoyun, Balıkesir University

Akçakoyun completed his doctorate at physical education and sports department of National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski" Sofia/Bulgaria. He is working on psychosocial fields, recreation, Physical Exercise and personality. he is working as an associate professor at recreation department of Mugla Sitki Kocman University .


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How to Cite

Ceylan, M., Altıparmak, E., & Akçakoyun, F. (2016). The analysis of the relationship between personality traits of extreme athletes and sports consumption motives. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 1745–1754. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences