An investigation of occupational accidents and safety risks in policing: Views of employees


  • Murat Gözübenli Turkish National Police
  • Fatih Mehmet Harmancı Turkish National Police


Policing, occupational accident, safety risks, injury, death


Policing is one of the riskiest and dangerous professions by its nature. Police officers face a range of risks at work: homicide, assaults, attacks, communicable diseases, car crashes or explosions. The risks vary according to the task being undertaken such as arresting offenders, attending street disturbances or performing traffic duties. These risks, having the characteristics of occupational accident in a way, have institutional losses like compensation, loss of manpower and reputation besides individual results like injury, death, mutilation, and posttraumatic stress disorder, exposure to psychological disorders or decrease in quality of life. Opinions and suggestions of 1066 employees currently working at different ranks and units in Turkish National Police in regards with reducing the risks of occupational accidents and safety risks were studied in this research. Suggestions of the participants were reviewed under total nine headings (themes) consisting of training, physical fitness and health, security measures, institutional policies and procedures, managerial policies, working conditions, equipment, uniforms, and patrol cars.


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Author Biographies

Murat Gözübenli, Turkish National Police

Ph.D., Turkish National Police, Work as invesigator and advisor to the chief of Kahramanmaraş Police department. Research areas: police leadership and management, police education, managements of crowd events, community policing, etc.

Fatih Mehmet Harmancı, Turkish National Police

Ph.D., Turkish National Police, Work as the chief of Education Unit of Niğde Police Department.


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How to Cite

Gözübenli, M., & Harmancı, F. M. (2016). An investigation of occupational accidents and safety risks in policing: Views of employees. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 809–829. Retrieved from



Behavioral Sciences