On the track of Artificial Intelligence: Learning with Intelligent Personal Assistants


  • Nil Goksel Canbek Anadolu University
  • Mehmet Emin Mutlu Anadolu University


Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Personal Assistants


In a technology dominated world, useful and timely information can be accessed quickly via Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPAs).  By the use of these assistants built into mobile operating systems, daily electronic tasks of a user can be accomplished 24/7. Such tasks like taking dictation, getting turn-by-turn directions, vocalizing email messages, reminding daily appointments, setting reminders, responding any factual questions and invoking apps can be completed by  IPAs such as Apple’s SiriGoogle Now and Microsoft Cortana. The mentioned assistants programmed within Artificial Intelligence (AI) do create an interaction between human and computer through a natural language used in digital communication. In this regard, the overall purpose of this study is to examine the potential use of IPAs that use advanced cognitive computing technologies and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for learning. To achieve this purpose, the working system of IPAs is reviewed briefly within the scope of AI that has recently become smarter to predict, comprehend and carry out multi-step and complex requests of users.



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Author Biographies

Nil Goksel Canbek, Anadolu University

Ph.D.c, School of Foreign Languages, Anadolu University

Mehmet Emin Mutlu, Anadolu University

Ph.D., Open Education Faculty, Anadolu University


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How to Cite

Goksel Canbek, N., & Mutlu, M. E. (2016). On the track of Artificial Intelligence: Learning with Intelligent Personal Assistants. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 592–601. Retrieved from https://j-humansciences.com/ojs/index.php/IJHS/article/view/3549



Computer Education and Instructional Technologies