Gender effect on classroom management skills and competencies of teachers: A meta-analysis study


  • Ali Erden Cyprus Social Sciences University
  • Tufan Aytaç Bozok University
  • Hale Erden Cyprus Social Sciences University


Classroom Management Skills, Classroom Management Competencies, Meta-Analysis, Teacher, Gender


This study aims at determining the effect sizes of perceptions and opinions of teachers regarding classroom management skills and competencies according to their gender. 19 journal articles out of 28 journal articles specializing on teachers’ classroom management skills and competencies in Turkey downloaded from the national thesis archives of Higher Education Institution appropriate to inclusion criteria are included in the study. Also, moderators which could not be included to the assessment of primary researches as publication type, publication year, region where study conducted, educational level, school type, scale type, branches of the teachers and gender of the researcher moderators were analyzed as variables. As a result, according to fixed effects model (d=0,149) and random effects model (d=0,133) in favor of female teachers, effect size was statistically significant. Moderator analysis revealed that publication type (p=0,001), type of scale (either ready or improved) (p=0,049) and validity and reliability studies (p=0,008) were found as moderators. Furthermore, effect sizes of researches showed that gender awareness included a continuing tendency over the years. Moderator analysis showed that school type (p=0,054), educational level (p=0,477), region where research was conducted (p=0,075), teachers’ branches (p=0,257) and gender of the researchers were not considered as moderators. As a result, it is recommended not to use gender as an important independent variable in studies in relation to teachers’ perceptions and opinions on classroom management skills and competencies.


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Author Biographies

Ali Erden, Cyprus Social Sciences University

Asst. Prof. Dr., Cyprus Social Sciences University, Education Faculty, Psychological Consultant and Guidance Department, Nicosia, via Mersin 10 Turkey

Tufan Aytaç, Bozok University

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Bozok University, Faculty of Education, Primary School Department, Yozgat, Turkey

Hale Erden, Cyprus Social Sciences University

Asst. Prof. Dr., Cyprus Social Sciences University, Education Faculty, Psychological Consultant and Guidance Department, Nicosia, via Mersin 10 Turkey


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How to Cite

Erden, A., Aytaç, T., & Erden, H. (2016). Gender effect on classroom management skills and competencies of teachers: A meta-analysis study. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 1543–1557. Retrieved from



Educational Administration and Management