Attitudes towards work in Educational Institutions


  • Recep Cengiz Akçay İstanbul Aydın University
  • Mehmet Ulutaş Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
  • Nuray Sevinç Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University


Attitude, Attitude Towards Work, Attitude Towards Work in Educational Institutions


The current study aims to evaluate employees’ attitudes towards work in educational institutions. An attitude scale was developed in order to reach the researchs ub-purposes. The scale was administered to the selected sample to obtain the research findings. Survey model, a quantitative Research method, was used within the current research. The Research population consists of Education employees working in schools under department of education in the town of Corlu, city of Tekirdag. 312 administrators, 1878 teachingand 480 supportive staff worked in 98 schools in the town of Corlu when the Research was conducted. 215 participants within the research sample were selected through non-proportional quota sampling among the teachers working in schools in the town. A scale to measure attitudes toward work was used as the data collection tool within the research. Some statistical analyses were needed in order to define the Research sub-dimensions. SPSS 21 software package was used to analyze the data. One-way variance analysis (ANOVA), t-test, Tukey, and LCD tests were used in the analyses. Employees considered their works in five different dimensions. When employees’ attitudes toward work are examined based on their demographic characteristics, it is seen that employees’ age,  genders and seniority were a significant factors defining their attitudes toward work. The employees’ attitudes toward work at educational institutions were examined in the current study. The five dimensions defined within the research results must be considered significant for employees at educational institutions and some incentives must be activated.


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Author Biographies

Recep Cengiz Akçay, İstanbul Aydın University

Prof. Dr., Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Science

Mehmet Ulutaş, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Lecturer Ph.D., Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology

Nuray Sevinç, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Ph.D. Student, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Science


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How to Cite

Akçay, R. C., Ulutaş, M., & Sevinç, N. (2016). Attitudes towards work in Educational Institutions. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 1072–1083. Retrieved from



Educational Administration and Management