Identification of expectations and encountered problems of the middle-school students participating in the sports activities


  • Menzure Sibel Yaman
  • Mustafa Bar
  • Murat Sarıkabak Sakarya University
  • Gülten Hergüner Sakarya University


Physical education and sport, family, school, problem, expectation.


In healthy societies, physical education and sport activities carry important roles in raising individuals. Previous scientific researches point out that physical activity is very important in the development process of the children. Therefore, children need to be supported in joining planned and systematic physical education and sport activities in both family and school life, beginning at very young ages. Every possibility should be offered to the children for performing sport activities healthily in the habitat while also taking precautions.

The purpose of the study is to identify the expectations of the middle-school students and the problems they encounter when attending sport activities in their family and school lives. The data was collected through a survey developed by the researchers. A descriptive method with the aim of revealing the current situation was used in the study. The population of this study consisted of 2500 students, studying in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of the middle-school. Two middle schools from the schools within the Sakarya province were selected through a random selection method. The survey was applied to a total amount of 400 volunteer students that were selected as the sample group and studied in these schools. The SPSS 15.0 for Windows software was used for the data analysis. Frequency analysis was used in order to determine the quantity and percentage distributions of the demographic information of the participants. On the other hand, chi-square analysis was used for the comparison of the problems and expectations related to family and school life in regards to the demographic variables. The level of significance in the chi-square analysis was specified as p<0,05.

As a result of the study, in relation to the family and school life, the male students were found to have more problems and expectations regarding the participation in physical education and sport activities, when compared to female students. In addition to this, the students who participated in physical education and sport activities regularly seemed to have bigger expectations and more problems with their families.

The problems and expectations of participating students regarding the family and school life were identified and suggestions for possible solutions were presented. The study is hoped to be beneficial for the field.



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Author Biographies

Menzure Sibel Yaman

Gazi Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Beden Eğt. Ve Spor ABD

Mustafa Bar

Sakarya Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Beden Eğt. ve Spor Öğr. ABD

Murat Sarıkabak, Sakarya University

Arş. Gör., Sakarya Üniversitesi, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi

Gülten Hergüner, Sakarya University

Doç. Dr.,Sakarya Üniversitesi, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi


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How to Cite

Yaman, M. S., Bar, M., Sarıkabak, M., & Hergüner, G. (2016). Identification of expectations and encountered problems of the middle-school students participating in the sports activities. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 3044–3056. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences