Determination of administrative proficiencies of head nurses in Turkısh Hospitals


  • Sultan Türkmen Ankara University
  • Filiz Hisar Necmettin Erbakan University


Head Nurse, Health Care, Administrative Proficiencies, Nursing, Proficiency


Background: The head nurses are the ones who are responsible for operating care units and managing the nurses in the unit. They are required to have the administrative skills needed to perform these duties

Aim: This study was carried out with the aim of determining the administrative proficiency of head nurses.

Methods: The study population comprised head nurses, including nursing instructors working in public and university hospitals in Turkey. The sample included 511 head nurses who were selected within the seven geographical regions of Turkey by simple random sampling. The data gathered in the study, demographic information forms, and the Head Nurse Proficiency Rating Scale were assessed with the t-test in number, percent, and independent groups, one-way analysis of variance, and Tukey Tests.

Results: In this study the proficiency level of the head nurses working in Turkey was examined. It was found that they were most proficient in the management of general units and least proficient in care management; but insufficient in planning the future assignment/ career of their employees of subgroups of scala. When considering the factors associated with competencies of the service head nurse; significant statistical differences between all personal characteristics (except professional experience, former training for executive competency and the willing for execution training and competency) and competency were established (p< 0.05).

Conclusion: In the light of these results it is suggested that programmes should be provided by schools of nursing, hospitals, the Ministry of Health and occupational nursing organizations for developing proficiency behaviours consisting of care management and personnel management.



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Author Biographies

Sultan Türkmen, Ankara University

RN, Master degree, Ankara University Faculty of Health Science, Department of Nursing

Filiz Hisar, Necmettin Erbakan University

RN, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Health Science, Department of Nursing


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How to Cite

Türkmen, S., & Hisar, F. (2016). Determination of administrative proficiencies of head nurses in Turkısh Hospitals. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2), 3204–3210. Retrieved from



Nursing and Midwifery