Tournament Satisfaction Scale (TOSS)


  • Kubilay Öcal Mugla Sitki Kocman University


Sport Tourism, Tournament Satisfaction, Scale Development


Increasing in the popularity of regional sport tourism addresses the consumers to measure satisfaction of participants in order to provide high quality product or services. The literature declares the strong need of a reliable and valid scale in the area of sport tourism. For that purpose this paper describes the process of developing Tournament Satisfaction Scale (TOSS) that can be used to asses athletes’ perception of satisfaction through sport tournaments. An item pool with 33 items was developed by literature reviews and interviews with experts in the area of sport tourism, sport management and coaching. Exploratory Factor Analysis with Maximum Likelihood extraction method and oblique rotation (direct oblimin) was carried out by using the data obtained from 278 athletes in various sport branches participated in a tournament as a regional sport tourist. Exploratory Factor Analysis results yielded one factor with 22 items over .50 factor loading. The 22-item TOSS was found to explain 40.3% of the variance in tournament satisfaction. Cronbach alpha coefficient is 0.93 for TOSS indicating satisfactory reliability evidence. Overall, it can be concluded that the scale is reliable and valid tool for evaluating tournament satisfaction from the perceptions of athletes. In this way coaches, team managers, and tournament organizers would possible to obtain important clues about their performances.


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Author Biography

Kubilay Öcal, Mugla Sitki Kocman University

Assistant Professor, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Recreation


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How to Cite

Öcal, K. (2016). Tournament Satisfaction Scale (TOSS). Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 2186–2194. Retrieved from



Physical Education and Sport Sciences